In: Computer Science
Define a sequence of string of 0’s and 1’s: 1 The first string, s0, is just the empty string "". The second string, s1, is 1. The third, fourth, fifth, . . . strings are defined as follows: si = si−11ti−1 where ti−1 is the reverse of si−1 with all 0s replaced by 1s and all 1s replaced by 0s. The first few strings are s0 = "", s1 = 1, s2 = 110, s3 = 1101100, s4 = 110110011100100. Write a Java program named “” that prints the first 10 strings in this sequence.
To implement above problem we will use following steps:
1.Take array of string str of size 10 as str[10]
2.Assign str[0]="";
3.Assign str[1]="1";
4.Print str[0];
5.Print str[1];
6.Take a variable i and assign its value 2.
7.Check if value of i is less than 10 if yes then goto step 8 otherwise goto step 13.
8. Call function rev(str[i-1]) and store the result in string t and then reverse the value of string t.
10 Concat string si-1 and "1" with string t and store the result in str[i]
11.Print str[i]
12.Increment the value of i by 1 and then goto step 7.
13 End
Function rev(str):
1.Take a variable i and assign its value to 0.
2.Calculate length of string str and store result in l.
3.Implement a for loop from i =0 to l.
3.1.) Check if str[i]=='1' if yes then str[i]='0'
3.2) Else str[i]='1'
4 . Return str;
Java code for this problem.
public class q3d {
public static String rev(String str)
//implementing rev function
int i;
int l =str.length(); //calculating length
String newstr="";
if(str.charAt(i)=='0') //if string contains 0
newstr=newstr+'1'; //change it to 1
newstr=newstr+'0'; //else change it to 0
return newstr;
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s[]=new String[10]; //take string of array
s[0]=""; //initialize first sequence
s[1]="1"; //initialize second sequence
int i=2; //intiialize i;
String t=""; //for reverse
t=rev(s[i-1]); // calling rev function
StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(t); //creating string buffer for reverse
sbr.reverse(); //reverse the string
s[i]=s[i-1]+1+t; //concating the strings
System.out.println(s[i]); //printing the sequence
Sample Output of above code :