
In: Operations Management

JIT seems to be one of the most popular subjects for the operations managers. Some are...

JIT seems to be one of the most popular subjects for the operations managers. Some are a bit skeptical at first, but most are fascinated by this Japanese approach to repetitive production.
It has been said by some Japanese that the system has its roots in Henry Ford's assembly line. In fact, some interesting parallels and comparisons can be made between JIT systems and production lines.
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of JIT is what it does for the operations and productivity.
It is important that we understand the difference between romantic JIT and pragmatic JIT because many times we can fall into the same trap that the senior management has fallen into. We may also see JIT as a quick fix to many problems without realizing that there are no quick and easy solutions to these problems. It needs to be stressed that it may take years to perfect a JIT system by implementing various techniques related to machine changeovers, layout design, product simplification, quality training and preventive maintenance.

In 300 words or more answer the follwoing questions:

1. Outline the considerations important in converting a traditional mode ( Inventory Management) of operations to a JIT system.
2. List some of the obstacles (I call them challenges) that might be encountered when converting to a JIT system.


Expert Solution

Q1.JIT was developed as a result of removing of waste which does not contribute Value. The input of sustained efforts over a long priod of time within the continous improvement known in japan as KAIJEN. IT focus on long term competitiveness rather than realization of short term profits.

Consideration in converting the traditional mode to a JIT system are:

  1. . IT allows the firm to meet consumer demand rather than level of demand through the use of Pull system of production.
  2. The degree of time lapsed between the Material arrival, processing and assembly of the product for consumers is minimized.
  3. It allows the reduction in raw material , work in progress and finished goods inventories. this secure the great amount of time and space between operations within plants.
  4. its techniques uses containers for holding parts which allows easy identification and monitoring of inventory level
  5. In this plants requires to be clean , there is no wastage present which may hinder the production.

Q2. Challenges:

1. There must be commitment from all involved in the organisation to adopt the change. multi function workers are necessary to respond to a frequent changes in job allotment to each work.

2. Under the JIT production, the plant layout is arranged for Maximum work flexibility.

3. It is Mandatory to avoid the Visible wastage, cluter or obstacles from the production area.

4. The benefit linked with JIT may beculturally bound and somewhat limited to japanese environment.

5. Reduced cycle time forces the workers to adjust immidiately to changes in demand, wihch significantly reducing the idle time of workers which result in stress and presure upon them.

6. There is no flexibility , only first come first served apply in JIT system and production is effective only when daily demand are stable.


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