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COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science Assignment #6 You will implement a program called "nursery_inv3.cpp" to process customer...

COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science Assignment #6 You will implement a program called "nursery_inv3.cpp" to process customer purchase orders (orders) for a nursery. You will read the data stored in a data file into a static array of purchase orders records, then process each purchase order record in the array, and finally print the array of purchase order records to a datafile. The purchase orders will be stored in order records. Each order record contains nine fields, which are as follows: 1) a plant name (string, no spaces), 2) a county name (string, no space), 3) the cost of the plant (double), 4) the quantity of plants in the purchase (integer), 5) the net cost of the purchase (double), 6) tax rate (double), 7) the tax on the purchase (double), 8) the discount on the purchase (double), and 9) the total cost of the purchase. Your program will have 4 functions: input, process, output, and count_inventory. Your main program will call (invoke) input, process, and output until the end of the data file has been reached. Once the program is finished reading, it will then call count_inventory. Following are the descriptions of the functionality of each function:

Following are the descriptions of the functionality of each function:

1. The void function “input” will have two parameters: the order record array called ‘STR”, and “count”. The capacity (SIZE) of STR should be initialized to 100, and “count” should be initialized to 0. The input data file will be opened and closed inside this function. The function will read all the data until the end-of-file has been reached; the pname (plant name), cname ( county name), the plant_cost ( the cost of the plant), and the quantity (number of plants in purchase order), will be read into the array of order_records (STR) from the data file. Remember, “count” should be passed by reference. 2. The function “process” will have two parameters: the order record array called ‘STR”, and “count”. Process will determine the net cost of the purchase (net_cost), the tax rate (tax_rate), the tax on the purchase (purchase_tax), the discount on the purchase (discount), and the total cost of the purchase (total_cost). Please consider the following information to help you implement the necessary calculations: a. The tax rate (in percent) on a purchase is based on the county where the purchase was made. If the county was dade, the tax rate is 6.5%; if the county is broward, the tax rate is 6%; if the county was palm, the tax rate is 7%. b. The net cost of a purchase is calculated by the following formula: net_cost = (quantity x plant_cost )

c. The discount is based on the quantity of plants in the purchase. The discount is determined is follows: • If quantity equals 0, then the discount is 0% of the net cost; • If 1<= quantity <=5 then discount = 1% of the net cost; 6<= quantity <=11 then discount = 3% of the net cost ; if 12<= quantity <=20 then discount = 5% of the net cost; 21<= quantity <=50 then discount = 8% of the net cost; quantity >50 then discount =12% of the net cost) . Apply discount after the net cost has been calculated. d. The tax on a purchase is calculated by the following formula: • purchase_tax = (net_cost * tax_rate / 100 (drop /100 if you converted the rate from a percentage)

e. The total cost of a purchase (rounded to the nearest hundredth) is calculated by the following formula: total_cost = net_cost +purchase_tax - discount . N o t e : All tax and cost calculations should be rounded to the nearest hundredths.

3. The function"output" will have two parameters: the order record array called ‘STR”, and “count”. “output” will print every field of an order record stored in the array STR to the file, “nursery_run_results.txt”. The output data file will be opened and closed inside this function. The function will print every field of every order record stored in STR. The fields should be printed in the following order: plant name, county name, plant cost, quantity of plants, net cost of purchase, tax rate, purchase tax, discount, and total cost. See the sections below called “Input Stream” and “Format of Output” for more information. See the section “Format of Input Data File (input filename is “nursery_stock.txt”)”.

4. The double function “count_inventory” which will calculate the average of the “total order cost”. The average should be rounded to the nearest hundredth and returned to main. “count_inventory” will be the last function your main program calls. The main program will print the following message after the function output has executed. (Note: the average appears as XXXXXXX.XX to represent a double values.).

Average Total Order Cost = XXXXXX.XX

You may implement more functions if you find it necessary. Please start the assignment ASAP, and ask questions to make sure you understand what you must do. It is always good to start with the skeleton program I provide. Remember to follow all style rules and to include all necessary documentation (consistent, indentation, proper variable names, pre/post conditions, program header, function headers, and so forth.) .

Output Format for the Function "output":

1. Use the following format information to print the variables:

Field Format ====================================== Plant Name string County Name string Plant Cost XXXX.XX Quantity of Plants XXXX Net Cost of Purchase XXXXX.XX Tax Rate X.XXX Purchase Tax XXXXX.XX Discount on Purchase XXXX.XX Total Cost of Purchase XXXXXXX.XX

2. Consider the following sample output table when designing and implementing the function “output”:

(The output is in the following order: plant name, county name, plant cost, quantity, net cost, tax rate, purchase tax, discount, total cost).

owl dade 10.55 100 1055 0.065 68.58 126.6 996.98 hibiscus broward 15.82 15 237.3 0.06 14.24 11.87 239.67 rose dade 9.99 45 449.55 0.065 29.22 35.96 442.81 carnation palm 7.99 32 255.68 0.07 17.9 20.45 253.12

3. Input Stream In the assignment you will declare one ifstream to bind your input to the file “nursery_stock.txt” to an input file stream. Whenever a program performs file i/o you must include the “fstream” library. Add the following statements to your program:

For source file, “nursery_inv3.cpp”

• Add “#include <fstream>” to your # include statements in your source file. • Add “#include <string>” to your # include statement in your source file. • Add “#include <iomanip>” all formatting of output

4. Format of the input data file (input filename is “nursery_stock.txt”):

Do not include column titles in your data file. Field as order as follows: plant name, county name, plant cost, quantity.

Owl dade 10.55 100 Hibiscus broward 15.82 15 Rose dade 9.99 45 carnation palm 7.99 32 Rose palm 7.99 60 Widow palm 25.75 5 carnation dade 12.55 10 carnation dade 12.55 8 Lilly broward 6.92 150 xerabtgemum palm 13.63 50 Yarrow dade 22.85 20 Zenobia palm 37.19 32 zephyranthes broward 62.82 40 Daisy broward 15.99 80 aconitum dade 30.02 72 amaryllis dade 16.14 65 Begonia broward 18.45 3 Bellflow broward 2.96 200 bergenia palm 85.92 10

Format of Output: (plant name, county name, plant cost, quantity, net cost, tax rate, purchase tax, discount, total cost)

Using the information in the data file “nursery_stock.txt” you should print the following output to the file, “nursery_run_results.txt”. Your output should not contain any titles, but the output must be in the proper order as stated in the assignment. The following contains an example of the output your program should produce if you use the contents in the data file “nursery_stock.txt”. You should double check the results.

owl dade 10.55 100 1055 0.065 68.58 126.6 996.98 hibiscus broward 15.82 15 237.3 0.06 14.24 11.87 239.67 rose dade 9.99 45 449.55 0.065 29.22 35.96 442.81 carnation palm 7.99 32 255.68 0.07 17.9 20.45 253.12 rose palm 7.99 60 479.4 0.07 33.56 57.53 455.43 widow palm 25.75 5 128.75 0.07 9.01 1.29 136.47 carnation dade 12.55 10 125.5 0.065 8.16 3.76 129.89 carnation dade 12.55 8 100.4 0.065 6.53 3.01 103.91 lilly broward 6.92 150 1038 0.06 62.28 124.56 975.72 xerabtgemum palm 13.63 50 681.5 0.07 47.71 54.52 674.69 yarrow dade 22.85 20 457 0.065 29.71 22.85 463.85 zenobia palm 37.19 32 1190.08 0.07 83.31 95.21 1178.18 zephyranthes broward 62.82 40 2512.8 0.06 150.77 201.02 2462.54 daisy broward 15.99 80 1279.2 0.06 76.75 153.5 1202.45 aconitum dade 30.02 72 2161.44 0.065 140.49 259.37 2042.56 amaryllis dade 16.14 65 1049.1 0.065 68.19 125.89 991.4 bogonia broward 18.45 3 55.35 0.06 3.32 0.55 58.12 bellflow broward 2.96 200 592 0.06 35.52 71.04 556.48 bergenia palm 85.92 10 859.2 0.07 60.14 25.78 893.57


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding:

Source code for nursery_inv3.cpp:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream> //you must include this library if you wish to do file i/o
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;


//Following is the declaration of a order record

const int CAPACITY = 100;//declaring capacity as a constant
//Create a class for order record
class order_record{
string pname;
string cname;
double plant_cost;
double quantity;
double purchase_tax;
double net_cost;
double tax_rate;
double discount;
double net_discount;
double total_cost;

//Prototypes for your functions: input, output, process, and count_inventory will go here
void input(order_record STR[], int &count); //sample prototype for input
void output(order_record STR[], int &count);
void process(order_record STR[], int &count);
double count_inventory(order_record STR[], int &count);

//Function Implementations will go here
//Name: input
//Precondition: The state what is true before the function is called.
//Postcondition: State what is true after the function has executed.
//Description: Describe what the function does (purpose).

void input(order_record STR[], int &count) {
ifstream in;
count = 0;"nursery_stock.txt");
//File open error check
if (!in) {
cout << "File not found!!\n";
while (in >> STR[count].pname >>STR[count].cname >> STR[count].plant_cost >>STR[count].quantity) {

//Name: process
//Precondition: The state what is true before the function is called.
//Postcondition: State what is true after the function has executed.
//Description: Describe what the function does (purpose).
void process(order_record STR[], int &count){
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (STR[i].cname == "dade") {
STR[i].tax_rate = 6.5;
if (STR[i].cname == "broward") {
STR[i].tax_rate = 6;
if (STR[i].cname == "palm") {
STR[i].tax_rate = 7;
STR[i].net_cost =STR[i].plant_cost*STR[i].quantity;
if (STR[i].quantity == 0) {
STR[i].discount = 0;
else if (STR[i].quantity >= 1 && STR[i].quantity <= 5) {
STR[i].discount =1;
else if (STR[i].quantity >= 6 && STR[i].quantity <= 11) {
STR[i].discount = 3;
else if (STR[i].quantity >= 12 && STR[i].quantity <= 20) {
STR[i].discount = 5;
else if (STR[i].quantity >= 21 && STR[i].quantity <= 50) {
STR[i].discount = 8;
else {
STR[i].discount = 12;
STR[i].net_discount = STR[i].net_cost*(STR[i].discount / 100);
STR[i].purchase_tax= STR[i].net_cost*(STR[i].tax_rate / 100);
STR[i].total_cost = STR[i].net_cost + STR[i].purchase_tax- STR[i].net_discount;

//Name: output
//Precondition: State what is true before the function is called.
//Postcondition: State what is true after the function has executed.
//Description: Describe what the function does (purpose).
void output(order_record STR[], int &count) {
ofstream out("nursery_run_results.txt");
out << fixed << setprecision(2);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
out << left << setw(15) << STR[i].pname<< left << setw(10) << STR[i].cname << right << setw(6) << STR[i].plant_cost
<< right << setw(8) << STR[i].quantity<< right << setw(9) << STR[i].net_cost << right << setw(8) << setprecision(2)
<<STR[i].tax_rate / 100 << right << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << STR[i].purchase_tax
<< right << setw(9) << setprecision(2) <<STR[i].net_discount << right << setw(9) << setprecision(2)<<STR[i].total_cost<<endl;

//Name: count_inventory
//Precondition: The state what is true before the function is called.
//Postcondition: State what is true after the function has executed.
//Description: Describe what the function does (purpose).
double count_inventory(order_record STR[], int &count) {
double average = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
average += STR[i].total_cost;
return average / count;
//Here is your driver to test the program
int main(){
ifstream in;
order_record STR[CAPACITY];
int count = 0;
if ({
cout << "Input file did not open correctly" << endl;
input(STR, count);
process(STR, count);
output(STR, count);
cout << "Average Total Order Cost = " << count_inventory(STR, count) << endl;
return 0;


Code Screenshots:

Output Screenshots:

Hope it helps, if you like the answer give it a thumbs up. Thank you.

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