
In: Computer Science

For this computer assignment, you are to write a C++ program to implement a class for...

For this computer assignment, you are to write a C++ program to implement a class for binary trees. To deal with variety of data types, implement this class as a template.

Most of the public member functions of the BinaryTree class call private member functions of the class (with the same name). These private member functions can be implemented as either recursive or non-recursive, but clearly, recursive versions of these functions are preferable because of their short and simple implementations in code. However, they require more memory and usually slower than their non-recursive versions in execution, especially for a large amount of input data.



#include "node.h"

using namespace std;



template class BinaryTree{


    BinaryTree();                                      // default constructor

    unsigned     getSize() const;                      // returns size of tree

    unsigned     getHeight() const;                    // returns height of tree

    virtual void Insert(const T&);                     // inserts node in tree

    void         Inorder(void (*)(const T&));          // inorder traversal of tree


    Node *root;                                      // root of tree


    unsigned _getSize(Node *) const;                 // private version of getSize()

    unsigned _getHeight(Node *) const;               // private version of getHeight()

    void     _Insert(Node *&, const T&);             // private version of Insert()

    void     _Inorder(Node *, void (*)(const T&));   // private version of Inorder()


#endif // End of H_BINARYTREE

Because of information hiding, a client is not permitted to access the binary tree directly, so the root of the tree is kept protected (not private because of future implementations of derived classes from the base class of the BinaryTree), so it cannot be passed as an argument to any of the public functions of the tree. It is essential to have private utility functions, which act as interface between a client and the tree. The Insert() function of the BinaryTree class is described as follows:

  • Insert(const T &x) This virtual function can be used to insert a node with the data value x in a binary tree, applying the following technique: if the tree is empty, then the new node will be the root of the tree with the value x; otherwise, the left or the right subtree is randomly selected and the value x is inserted in that side. To implement the random selection, you can use the following RNG.
typedef enum {left_side, right_side } SIDE;

SIDE rnd(){ 
    return rand()%2 ? right_side : left_side;
}// End of rnd()

Put the implementation of your BinaryTree class in the header file binarytree.h. Definition of the class Node, which represents the nodes in a binary tree, can be found in the header file node.h. To use the class Node in your program, include the header file node.h, inserting #include "node.h" at the top of your header file.

The source file contains the driver program. In addition to the main() routine, it has the implementations of the following routines (as templates) and the definitions of the two RNGs used in the main() routine.

  • template void print(const T &x):
  • template void printValues(BinaryTree &tree, const string &name);

The unary function print() can be used as an argument to the member functions Inorder() to print the value of its argument x. The function printValues() does the followings:

  • it prints name, which is the name of the tree, and it also prints the height of the tree.
  • it calls the member function Inorder() to print the data values in the tree in inorder.

The class RND1 can be used to generate random integers in the range [LOW1 = –999, HIGH1 = 999] and the class RND2 can be used to generate random floating-point numbers in the range [LOW2 = –999.99, HIGH2 = 999.99]. The function objects RND1() and RND2(), generated from these classes, are used to fill in the random values in vector containers vector A(N1) and vector B(N2) by using the generate() function in the STL, where N1 = 100 and N2 = 50 are the sizes of these two vectors.

The main() routine copies the random values from vectors A and B and inserts them in the binary trees first and second, respectively. At the end, the data values in the binary trees first and second are printed out on stdout with LSIZE = 12 numbers in a single line.

Put the implementation of your BinaryTree class in the header file binarytree.h. Definition of the class Node, which represents the nodes in a binary tree, can be found in the header file node.h. To use the class Node in your program, include the header file node.h, inserting #include "node.h" at the top of your header file.

The source file contains the driver program. In addition to the main() routine, it has the implementations of the following routines (as templates) and the definitions of the two RNGs used in the main() routine.

  • template void print(const T &x):
  • template void printValues(BinaryTree &tree, const string &name);

The unary function print() can be used as an argument to the member functions Inorder() to print the value of its argument x. The function printValues() does the followings:

  • it prints name, which is the name of the tree, and it also prints the height of the tree.
  • it calls the member function Inorder() to print the data values in the tree in inorder.

The class RND1 can be used to generate random integers in the range [LOW1 = –999, HIGH1 = 999] and the class RND2 can be used to generate random floating-point numbers in the range [LOW2 = –999.99, HIGH2 = 999.99]. The function objects RND1() and RND2(), generated from these classes, are used to fill in the random values in vector containers vector A(N1) and vector B(N2) by using the generate() function in the STL, where N1 = 100 and N2 = 50 are the sizes of these two vectors.

The main() routine copies the random values from vectors A and B and inserts them in the binary trees first and second, respectively. At the end, the data values in the binary trees first and second are printed out on stdout with LSIZE = 12 numbers in a single line.







using namespace std;

#include "binarytree.h"

#define SEED 1  // seed for RNGs

#define N1    100   // size of 1st vector container

#define LOW1  -999  // low val for rand integer

#define HIGH1 999   // high val for rand integer

#define N2    50      // size of 2nd vector container

#define LOW2  -99999  // low val for rand float

#define HIGH2 99999   // high val for rand float

#define PREC  2       // no of digits after dec pt

#define LSIZE  12  // no of vals printed on line

#define ITEM_W 7   // no of spaces for each item

// prints single val


void print(const T&);

// prints data vals in tree


void print_vals(BinaryTree&, const string&);

// class to generate rand ints

class RND1 {


  int low, high;


  RND1(const int& l = 0, const int& h = 1) : low(l), high(h) {}

  int operator()() const { return rand() % (high - low + 1) + low; }


// class to generate rand floats

class RND2 {


  int low, high, prec;


  RND2(const int& l = 0, const int& h = 1, const int& p = 0) : low(l), high(h), prec(p) {}

  float operator()() const { return (static_cast(rand() % (high - low + 1) + low)) / pow(10, prec); }


// prints val passed as argument


void print(const T& x) {

  static unsigned cnt = 0;

  cout << setw(ITEM_W) << x << ' ';


  if (cnt % LSIZE == 0) cout << endl;


// prints size and height of bin tree and data val in

// each node in inorder


void print_vals(BinaryTree& tree, const string& name) {

  cout << name << ": ";  // print name of tree

  // print size and height of tree

  cout << "size = " << tree.getSize() << ", ";

  cout << "height = " << tree.getHeight() << endl << endl;

  // print data values of tree in inorder

  cout << "Data values in '" << name << "' inorder:\n\n";


  cout << endl;


// driver program: to test several member functions of BinaryTree class

int main() {

  srand(SEED);  // set seed for RNGs

  // create 1st vector and fill it with rand ints

  vector A(N1);

  generate(A.begin(), A.end(), RND1(LOW1, HIGH1));

  // create binary tree with int vals in vector A,

  // and print all vals of tree

  BinaryTree first;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) first.Insert(A[i]);

  print_vals(first, "first");

  cout << endl;

  // create 2nd vector and fill it with rand floats

  vector B(N2);

  generate(B.begin(), B.end(), RND2(LOW2, HIGH2, PREC));

  // create binary tree with float vals in vector B,

  // and print all vals of tree

  BinaryTree second;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < B.size(); i++) second.Insert(B[i]);

  print_vals(second, "second");

  cout << endl;

  return 0;



#ifndef H_NODE

#define H_NODE

// definition of node in bin tree


class BinaryTree;  // forward declaration


class Node {

  friend class BinaryTree;  // BinaryTree is friend


  Node(const T& = T(), Node* = nullptr, Node* = nullptr);  // default constructor


  T        data;   // data component

  Node* left;   // left pointer

  Node* right;  // right pointer


// default constructor


Node::Node(const T& x, Node* l, Node* r) : data(x), left(l), right(r) {}

#endif  // End of H_NODE


Expert Solution

The code is


#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

template <class T> class binTree;

template <class T> class Node
   friend class binTree <T>;
       //The node defualt constructor
       Node ( const T& =T ( ), Node <T>* = 0, Node <T>* = 0 );

       T nodeContent;
       Node <T> *leftChild, *childRight;

// default constructor
template <class T>
Node <T>:: Node( const T& temp, Node <T>* newLeft, Node <T>* newRight )
   nodeContent = temp;
   leftChild = newLeft;
   childRight = newRight;



#ifndef BINTREE_H
#define BINTREE_H

#include "Node.h"

template <class T> class binTree

       binTree ( );
       int height ( ) const;
       virtual void insert ( const T& );
       void inOrder ( void ( * ) ( T& ));
       Node <T>* root;
       int height ( Node <T>* ) const;
       void insert ( Node <T>*&, const T& );
       void inOrder ( Node <T>*, void ( * ) ( T& ));

//function definitions
template <class T>
binTree <T>::binTree( )
   //set the root
   root = 0;

// returns height of tree
template <class T>
int binTree <T>::height( ) const
    return height( root ); // call recursive

//to insert the node in the binary tree
//recursive function
template <class T>
void binTree <T>::insert( const T& temp )
    insert( root, temp );

//To perform inorder traversal of the tree
template <class T>
void binTree <T>::inOrder( void ( *print ) ( T& ) )
    inOrder( root, print );

// private version of height
template <class T>
int binTree <T>::height( Node <T>* ptr ) const
   if( ptr == 0 )
       return 0;
       int heightleft = height( ptr->leftChild );
       int heigRight = height( ptr->childRight );
       if( heightleft > heigRight )
           return 1 + heightleft;
           return 1 + heigRight;

template <class T>
void binTree <T>::insert( Node <T>* & nod, const T& temp )
   if( nod == 0 )
       Node <T> * newNode;
       newNode = new Node <T>( temp );
       nod = newNode;
       int heightleft = height( nod->leftChild );
       int heigRight = height( nod->childRight );
       if( heightleft <= heigRight )
           insert( nod->leftChild, temp );
           insert( nod->childRight, temp );

//inorder traversa
template <class T>
void binTree <T>::inOrder( Node <T>* nod, void ( *print ) ( T& ) )
   if( nod != NULL )
       inOrder( nod->leftChild, print );
       print( nod->nodeContent );
       inOrder( nod->childRight, print );



#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "binTree.h"

using namespace std;
class RND1{
   int x;
   static int RND(){
   return (-999+ (rand() % (static_cast<int>(999 +999 + 1))));


class RND2{
   float randm;
   static float RND()
       return -999.99 + static_cast <float> (rand()) /( static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX/(999.99+999.99)));


template <class T>
void print(T a)
    cout<<a<<" ";

int main()
    vector<int> A(100);
    vector<float> B(50);
    RND1 obj3=RND1();

    std::cout << "\nIn order traversal of int tree: \n";
    binTree <int> tr=binTree <int> ( );
    int count=1;
    generate(A.begin(), A.end(), &RND1::RND);
    for (auto iv: A) {


    //float tree
        std::cout << "\n\nIn order traversal of float tree: \n";
   binTree <float> tr1=binTree <float> ( );
   generate(B.begin(), B.end(), &RND2::RND);
   for (auto iv: B) {

   //print heights

   cout<<"\nint tree height"<<tr.height();

   cout<<"\nfloat tree height"<<tr1.height();
    return 0;

Hope this is helpful

Pleaase please dont downvote

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