A non-value added activity is the one that generates a negative
or zero return on the investment of resources and generally can be
eliminated without hampering a process. These activities increase
the time spent on, a product/service without increasing its market
value like - Manufacturing CompanyService CompanyRepair of machines
Taking appointments Storage of inventory Reception Moving of raw
materials, Bookkeeping etc.
1. University - The library and reception in a university can be
held for adding to a non-value activity as -
- Library: It involves repairing damaged returned books.
- Searching for the requested book on a shelf that is nowhere to
be found that could be the result of a keying error by the
librarian in the first place
- The movement of returned books from a temporary storage shelf
to the permanent bookshelf. This doesn’t add value to the services
provided to the library users.
- Numerous calls or letters to inform borrowers of overdue books.
This could be costly if the borrower’s contacts are not verified
and are incorrect.
- Reception - Excess handling refers to the unnecessary
activities of the recepitonist to unnecessary handling of calls
realted to staff and other inventory.
- This is the most obvious waste and it does not add value. For
example, if a receptionist is killing time waiting for the calls to
arrive, there is waste which can be eliminated through better
scheduling. However, not all waiting time is wasted time.
b. Restaurant- Some of the major non-value adding activities in
a restaurant is -
- Customers wait to be seated as there is high occupancy.
- Customers wait to place an order as the staff is busy or
- Prepared food waits for pickup by the staff
- Customer waits for the check after billing
- A customer waits for the change money
c. Bicycle repair shop - Major NVA are
- Reworks and sorting defect material
- Not doing things right the first time
- Unnecessary equipment stoppages or manufacturing downtime
- Lack of materials or manpower hindering operation flow
- Unlabelled or unidentifiable material
- Running out of consumables (order in advance)
- Too long or insufficient set up times