
In: Computer Science

Java If the word begins with a single consonant followed by a vowel, move the consonant...


  1. If the word begins with a single consonant followed by a vowel, move the consonant to the end of the word and add “ay” after.
    • hello → [h]ello → ello[h] → elloh[ay] → ellohay
    • word → [w]ork → ork[w] → orkw[ay] → orkway
  2. If the word begins with a consonant cluster (more than one consonant followed by a vowel), move the entire consonant cluster to the end of the word and add “ay” after.
    • start → [st]art → art[st] → artst[ay] → artstay
    • through → [thr]ough → ough[thr] → oughthr[ay] → oughthray
  3. If the word begins with a vowel, simply add “yay” to the end of the word.
    • on → [o]n → on[yay] → onyay
    • a → [a] → a[yay] → ayay
    • unique → [u]nique → unique[yay] → uniqueyay

If the word contains the letter "y", there are some special rules that must be applied:

  1. If the word begins with the letter “y” followed by a vowel, treat the “y” as a consonant.
    • yes → [y]es → es[y] → esy[ay] → esyay
    • yellow → [y]ellow → ellow[y] → ellowy[ay] → ellowyay
  2. If the word begins with a consonant or consonant cluster followed by the letter “y”, treat the “y” as a vowel.
    • thy → [th]y → y[th] → yth[ay] → ythay
    • rhythm → [rh]ythm → ythm[rh] → ythmrh[ay] → ythmrhay

In the rules above, the letters "a", "e", "i", "o", and “u” are considered vowels, and all other letters are considered consonants, except for “y” as described above.

Other Characters

Beyond translating words, there are a few other rules to be aware of.

  1. If the original word’s first letter is capitalized, the translated word should also have its first letter capitalized.
    • Hello → [H]ello → ello[h] → elloh[ay] → [e]llohay → Ellohay
    • I → [I] → I[yay] → Iyay
  2. If the original word ends in a punctuation, move the punctuation to the end of the translated word.
    • hello. → hello[.] → [h]ello → ello[h] → elloh[ay] → ellohay[.] → ellohay.

Program Specification


Our program should accept input in one of two ways:

  1. If a command-line argument is provided, it should read input from the file given as that argument.
  2. If no command-line arguments are provided, the program should read input directly from the terminal.

Each run of the program may consist of multiple lines of input. The total number of lines will vary. Input will end with either an EOF (end of file) marker, or a blank line of input. Your program should stop accepting input when either of these situations occurs.

Each line of input will contain words to be converted to Pig Latin. You may assume that the lines will only contain letters a-z A-Z, spaces , and common punctuation marks that are placed at the end of words !.,?.

You may assume that words are separated by spaces, but they may have attached punctuation marks at the end.

Input 1

hello world

Output 1

ellohay orldway

Input 2

A good day to Kansas!

Output 2

Ayay oodgay ayday otay Ansaskay!


Expert Solution



public class Main {

 // taking input
  private static BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(
      new InputStreamReader(;

  // calling main function
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    // Get a string
    System.out.print("Enter sentence: ");
    String english = getString();

    // Translate and print back out
    String translated = translate(english);

  // extracting words
  private static String translate(String s) {
    String latin = "";
    int i = 0;
    while (i<s.length()) {

      // Take care of punctuation and spaces
      while (i<s.length() && !isLetter(s.charAt(i))) {
        latin = latin + s.charAt(i);

      // If there aren't any words left, stop.
      if (i>=s.length()) break;

      // Otherwise we're at the beginning of a word.
      int begin = i;
      while (i<s.length() && isLetter(s.charAt(i))) {

      // Now we're at the end of a word, so translate it.
      int end = i;
      latin = latin + pigWord(s.substring(begin, end));
    return latin;

  // confirm if its a letter
  private static boolean isLetter(char c) {
    return ( (c >='A' && c <='Z') || (c >='a' && c <='z') );

  private static boolean isUpper(char c) {
    return ( c >='A' && c <='Z' );

  // working on each word to translate
  private static String pigWord(String word) {
    int split = firstVowel(word);
        String w = word.substring(split);
        String wr = w.substring(0,1).toUpperCase();
        String ws = word.substring(0,split);
        return wr+w.substring(1,w.length())+ws.toLowerCase()+"ay";
        return word.substring(split)+word.substring(0, split)+"ay";
        return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+word.substring(1,word.length())+"yay";
        return word+"yay";

  // finding the vowel for splitting
  private static int firstVowel(String word) {

    word = word.toLowerCase();
    int flag=0;
    for (int i=0; i<word.length(); i++){
      if (word.charAt(i)=='a' || word.charAt(i)=='e' ||
          word.charAt(i)=='i' || word.charAt(i)=='o' ||
          word.charAt(i)=='u' || word.charAt(i)=='y')
        if(i==0 && word.charAt(0)=='y'){
          return i;
    return 0;

  // read input
  private static String getString() throws IOException {
    return buf.readLine();


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