In: Economics
In reference to migration policies
1. Why does this policy exist? What market imperfection or social problem it is intended to fix? Who benefits from this policy?
(Please provide as detailed a response as possible, thanks)
why does this policy exist :
This policy influence the level of immigration, promote the immigration of highly skilled workers and foster the integration and naturalization of immigrants into the host communities.
It describes the policies that aim at influencing migration for permanent settlement, temporary labour migration for family reunification and migration of highly skilled workers. Immigration policies generally respond to labour market needs and demographic objectives of destination countries.
What market imperfection or social problem it is intended to fix :
The social effects of migration amongst others consist of changing in family composition, family separation and the abandonment ofold people, child outcomes in terms of labour, health, and education.
Who benefits from this policy :
Migration can play a critical role in economic growth and development including by helping to fil labour market shortages and by providing jobs and sources of revenue for individual migrants and their families.In 2016 alone, migrants sent $429 billion in remittance to low and middle income countries.
Home countries benefit from return migration when it leads to higher investment and productivity by returnees.However, the benefits will differ from one developing country to another and even from one sector or region to another within the same country.