
In: Computer Science

Write a code snippet for the following:   You need to control the maximum number of people...

Write a code snippet for the following:

  You need to control the maximum number of people who can be in a

  restaurant at any given time. A group cannot enter the restaurant if they

  would make the number of people exceed 100 occupants. Use random numbers

  between 1 and 20 to simulate groups arriving to the restaurant. After each

  random number, display the size of the group trying to enter and the number

  of current occupants. As soon as the restaurant holds the maximum number, output

  that the restaurant is full and quit.

*********IN JAVA************


Expert Solution

In the code, we have generated the random numbers between 1 and 20 with the help of Random class. Secondly, a while loop checks for the condition for threshold and continuously adds the incoming group to the total number of people inside the restaurant. The complete code is given below:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Restaurant {
    private static int peopleInRestaurant;
    private static int threshold = 100;
    private static int group;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("People in restaurant: 0");
        Random num = new Random();
        while(peopleInRestaurant <= threshold){
            group =  1+num.nextInt(20);
            System.out.println("Size of the group trying to enter: "+ group);
            if(peopleInRestaurant+group > 100){
                System.out.println("Restaurant is full");
            peopleInRestaurant = peopleInRestaurant + group;
            System.out.println("Total number of occupants inside restaurant: "+peopleInRestaurant);
        System.out.println("Restaurant is full");

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