
In: Computer Science

In this programming project, you will be implementing the data structure min-heap. You should use the...

In this programming project, you will be implementing the data structure min-heap. You should use the C++ programming language, not any other programming language. Also, your program should be based on the g++ compiler on All programs will be compiled and graded on, a Linux based machine. If you program does not work on that machine, you will receive no credit for this assignment. You will need to submit it electronically at the blackboard, in one zip file, named CSE310-P02-Lname-Fname, where Lname is your last name and Fname is your first name. The zip file should contain a set of files that are absolutely necessary to compile and execute your program. If you program does not compile on, you will receive 0 on this project.

You need to define the following data types.

ELEMENT is a data type that contains a field named key, which is of type int. In later assignments, you will have to add on other fields to ELEMENT, without having to change the functions. Note that ELEMENT should not be of type int.

HEAP is a data type that contains three fields named capacity (of type int), size (of type int), and H (an array of type ELEMENT with index ranging from 0 to capacity).

The functions that you are required to implement are

Initialize(n) which returns an object of type HEAP with capacity n and size 0.

BuildHeap(heap, A), where heap is a HEAP object and A is an array of type ELEMENT. This function copies the elements in A into heap->H and uses the linear time build heap algorithm to obtain a heap of size size(A).

Insert(heap, k) which inserts an element with key equal to k into the min-heap heap.

DeleteMin(heap) which deletes the element with minimum key and returns it to the caller.

DecreaseKey(heap, element, value) which decreases the key field of element to value, if the latter is not larger than the former. Note that you have make necessary adjustment to make sure that heap order is maintained.

printHeap(heap) which prints out the heap information, including capacity, size, and the key fields of the elements in the array with index going from 1 to size.


You should implement a main function which takes the following commands from the key-board:

•S •Cn •R •W •Ik •D •Kiv

On reading S, the program stops.
On reading C n, the program creates an empty heap with capacity equal to n, and waits for the next command.
On reading R, the program reads in the array A from file HEAPinput.txt, calls the linear time build heap algorithm to build the heap based on A, and waits for the next command.
On reading W, the program writes the current heap information to the screen, and waits for the next command.
On reading I k, the program inserts an element with key equal to k into the current heap, and waits for the next command.
On reading D, the program deletes the minimum element from the heap and prints the key field of the deleted element on the screen, it waits for the next command.
On reading K i v, the program decreases the key of element with index i to the new value v, pro- vided that the new value is not larger than the previous value.

The file HEAPinput.txt is a text file. The first line of the file contains an integer n, which in- dicates the number of array elements. The next n lines contains n integers, one integer per line. These integers are the key values of the n array elements, from the first element to the nth element.

You should use modular design. At the minimum, you should have • the main program as main.cpp and the corresponding main.h;
• the heap functions heap.cpp and the corresponding heap.h;


• various utility functions util.cpp and the corresponding util.h.

You should also provide a Makefile which compile the files into an executable file named run. Grading policies: (Sample test cases will be posted soon.)

(10 pts)

(10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts)

Documentation: You should provide sufficient comment about the variables and algorithms. You also need to provide a README file describing which language you are using. You will also need to provide a Makefile. The executable file should be named run.

Data types: You should define the required data types. Initialize

DeleteMin DecreaseKey printHeap modular design Makefile

Above all, you need to write a working program to correctly parse the commands specified in the project. Without this, your program will not be graded.


Expert Solution

The following is the required program as per your requirements. Code to copy is given at the end. Get back to me if you have any doubts.

Program Screenshot:





Input text file: HEAPinput.txt

Sample Output:

Code to copy:



#ifndef HEAP_H

#define HEAP_H

//define the structure Element

struct Element


//contains a field named key,

//which is of type int.

int key;


//define the structure Heap  

struct Heap


//capacity of heap of type int

int capacity;

//size of heap of type int

int size;

//an array of type ELEMENT

struct Element *H;


//declare the member functions.

Heap Initialize(int n);

void buildHeap(Heap h, Element A[]);

void insert(Heap *heap, int k);

int deleteMin(Heap heap);

void decreaseKey(Heap heap, Element element, int value);

void printHeap(Heap heap);

void swap(int *x, int *y);

int parent(int i);

int leftChild(int i);

int rightChild(int i);

void MinHeapify(Heap heap, int i);







#include <fstream>

#include "heap.h"

using namespace std;

//definition of the function Initialize()

//returns an object of type HEAP with capacity n and size 0.

Heap Initialize(int n)


struct Heap heap;

heap.capacity = n;

heap.size = 0;

heap.H = (Element*)malloc(sizeof(Element)*heap.capacity);

return heap;


//definition of the function buildHeap()

//opies the elements in A into heap->H and uses the linear time

void buildHeap(Heap h, Element A[])


for (int i = 0;i < h.size;i++)


h.H[i].key = A[i].key;



//definition of the function insert()

//which inserts an element with key equal to k into the min-heap heap.

void insert(Heap *heap, int k)


if (heap->size == heap->capacity)


cout << "\nOverflow: Could not Insert\n";



//insert the new key at the end

int i = heap->size;

heap->H[i].key = k;


// Check the min heap property if it is violated

while (i != 0 && heap->H[parent(i)].key > heap->H[i].key)


swap(&heap->H[i].key, &heap->H[parent(i)].key);

i = parent(i);



//definition of the function deleteMin()

//deletes the element with minimum key and returns it to the caller.

int deleteMin(Heap heap)


if (heap.size <= 0)

return INT_MAX;

//if the size is 1 then return that element

if (heap.size == 1)



return heap.H[0].key;


// Store the minimum value, and remove it from heap

int min = heap.H[0].key;

heap.H[0].key = heap.H[heap.size - 1].key;


//call the MinHeapify() function.

MinHeapify(heap, 0);

return min;


//definition of the function deleteMin()

//decreases the key field of element to valu

void decreaseKey(Heap heap, Element element, int value)


int i;

//find the index of that key in the heap

for (int k = 0; k < heap.size;k++)


if (heap.H[k].key == element.key)


i = k;




heap.H[i].key = value;

while (i != 0 && heap.H[parent(i)].key > heap.H[i].key)


swap(&heap.H[i].key, &heap.H[parent(i)].key);

i = parent(i);



//definition of the function printHeap()

// prints out the heap information, including capacity, size,

//and the key fields of the elements

void printHeap(Heap heap)


cout << "\nThe heap Information:\n";

cout << "Capacity: " << heap.capacity <<endl;

cout << "Size: " << heap.size << endl;

cout << "heap elements:" << endl;

cout << "Index\tElement" << endl;

for (int i = 0;i<heap.size;i++) {

cout << i<<"\t" <<heap.H[i].key << endl;



//definition of the function swap()

void swap(int *x, int *y)


int temp = *x;

*x = *y;

*y = temp;


//definition of the function parent()

int parent(int i)


return (i - 1) / 2;


//definition of the function leftChild()

// to get index of left child of node at index i

int leftChild(int i)


return (2 * i + 1);


//definition of the function rightChild()

// to get index of right child of node at index i

int rightChild(int i)


return (2 * i + 2);


//definition of the function MinHeapify()

//finds the Minimum heap.

void MinHeapify(Heap heap, int i)


//call the function leftChild()

int left = leftChild(i);

//call the function rightChild()

int right = rightChild(i);

int smallest = i;

if (left < heap.size && heap.H[left].key < heap.H[i].key)

smallest = left;

if (right < heap.size && heap.H[right].key < heap.H[smallest].key)

smallest = right;

if (smallest != i)


swap(&heap.H[i].key, &heap.H[smallest].key);

//call the function () recursively.

MinHeapify(heap, smallest);




#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include "heap.h"
void readFromFile(Heap *heap);






#include <fstream>

#include "main.h"

using namespace std;

//definition of the function readFromFile(0

//takes the heap object and open the text file

// reads the values and inserts into the heap.

void readFromFile(Heap *heap) {

//declare the variables

int size;

int arr[100];

//open the input text file

ifstream myfile("HEAPinput.txt");

//read the first value of the file

myfile >> size;

//read the value from and insert into the heap

for (int i = 0;i < size;i++)


myfile >> arr[i];

//call the function insert()

insert(heap, arr[i]);


//close the input file.



// Driver program to test above functions

int main()


//create an heap object

struct Heap heap;

//create an Element object

struct Element e;

//declare the variables

char input;

int n, key;

int i, v;

int delKey = 0;

while (1) {

//print the menu

cout << "S: To stop the program." << endl;

cout << "C n: Press C and enter the capacity of heap as n." << endl;

cout << "R: To read from input file." << endl;

cout << "W: To print the heap." << endl;

cout << "I k: Press K and enter key value to insertin the heap." << endl;

cout << "D: To delete the minimum element from the heap." << endl;

cout << "K i v: Press K and enter the index and value to decrease." << endl;

cout << "\nEnter your command: " << endl;

cin >> input;

switch (input) {

//On reading C n, the program creates an empty heap with

//capacity equal to n, and waits for the next command.

case 'C':

cin >> n;

heap = Initialize(n);

cout << "The heap is initialized with the capacity " << n << endl;


//On reading R, the program reads in the array A from file HEAPinput.txt

case 'R':readFromFile(&heap);

cout << "The values read from the file and inserted into the heap." << endl;


//On reading W, the program writes the current heap information to the screen,

case 'W':printHeap(heap);


//On reading I k, the program inserts an element with key

//equal to k into the current heap

case 'I': cin >> key;

insert(&heap, key);

cout << "The key is inserted in the heap." << endl;


//On reading D, the program deletes the minimum element from the heap

//and prints the key field of the deleted element on the screen.

case 'D': delKey =deleteMin(heap);

cout << "The minimum element "<< delKey<<" is deleted from the heap." << endl;


//On reading K i v, the program decreases the key of element

//with index i to the new value

case 'K': cin >> i >> v;

e.key = i;

decreaseKey(heap, e, v);


//On reading S, the program stops.

case 'S':

return 0;

default: cout << "Enter correctly!!!!" << endl;


cout << endl;


return 0;


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