
In: Biology

Course Culminating Activity Task 20-01 - Treatable Diseases and Disorders Select a treatable disease or disorder...

Course Culminating Activity Task 20-01 - Treatable Diseases and Disorders
Select a treatable disease or disorder (human or other mammal) and complete the following tasks to explore and understand the disease.

  1. Describe the impact of this disease/disorder on the body systems and how the respiratory system, digestive system and circulatory system work together.
  2. For the disease/disorder, create an annotated diagram that identifies a possible treatment and explains the steps needed to apply the treatment. (Look at this example of an annotated diagram for ligation and stripping of a varicose vein.)

3- Create a chart for the disease you have selected that shows the impact on: 1-family 2- employment 3- the individual 4-the economy 5-the media 6- health care system

4- Identify and describe a career that may be associated with the diagnosis or treatment of the disease/disorder. Provide the following information in your description:

  • How is the career related to the disease/disorder?
  • Where in the medical system is this career required?
  • What is the job description for this career?
  • What post-secondary education is required to pursue this career?


Expert Solution

One of the common Treatable Diseases and Disorders include cardiovascular (heart) diseases.

Heart diseases

Heart disease affects the respiratory system - By causing irregularities in the way fluid is carried away from the lungs, it affects the respiratory system.

Heart disease affects the digestive system - Cholesterol filled plaque and blood clots clog gut arteries and can cause pain. They interfere with blood flow to the digestive system and can lead to a life threatening emergency.

Heart disease affects the immune system - An inflammatory reaction is triggered by a heart attack and degrades the affected tissue.

How the respiratory system, digestive system and circulatory system work together?

To provide oxygen to the body, the respiratory system works directly with the circulatory system . From the respiratory system, oxygen is taken in and moved into blood vessels. It then circulates oxygen-rich blood to tissues and cells.

To get the absorbed nutrients distributed through our body, the digestive system works very closely with the circulatory system . The circulatory system also carries chemical signals from our endocrine system. It controls the speed of digestion.

Food is broken down into simpler substances including proteins by the digestive system . Since the lungs need nutrients, this helps the respiratory system . By giving oxygen to the digestive system, the respiratory system helps the digestive system .

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