I need to identify the cations A through G as K+, Cu2+, Ag+,
Ba2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, or Pb2+
The unknown cation is Br-/OH-
From what I believed I've figured out is:
K+ = F
Cu2+ = A or E
Ag+ = B or C
Ba2+ = G
Fe3+ = A or E
Mg2+ = A or E
Pb2+ = D
I believe this may be correct but I am unable to figure out
Cu2+, Ag+, Fe3+, and Mg2+. I also...
Water softeners remove metal ions such as Ca2+ and
Fe3+ by replacing them with enough Na+ ions
to maintain the same number of positive charges in the solution. If
5.5*103 L of hard water is 0.015 M Ca2+ and
0.0010 M of Fe3+ , how many moles of Na+ are
needed to replace these ions?
In paper chromotography, what form are the metals ( Zn2+, Co2+,
Cu2+, Cd2+ , Fe3+, and Ni2+) ions likely to exist in the moving
phase (water/hydrochloric acid/acetone) and what groups in the
structure of the stationary phase (cellulose) are interacting with
the moving ions in solution?
Note: Filter paper (Whatman #1) serves as the
stationary phase, and the mobile phase consists of a mixture of
acetone and 6 M hydrochloric acid. A single spot of the mixture to
be analyzed...
What inferences can be made? NaOH was added to a blue-green
solution (Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+,
Cr3+, and/or Zn2+). After stirring, the
solution appeared light green with no precipitate.
(a) What is the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation for
the price f(t,St) at time t of a European derivative security on a
stock with price St? Specify the meaning of the terms or symbols in
the equation.
(b) Note that the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation
does not specify whether the derivative is a call option, a put
option, or some other derivative. How do you incorporate the
derivative payoff when using Black-Scholes PDE to price a