In: Biology
It is well known that sugars glucose and fructose are the primary fermentable substrates. However, malic acid can also be fermented but to lactic acid rather than ethanol. This is especially important in red wine, why?
it is a process in winemaking to convert the already present malic acid in grapes to a softer lactic acid , such a conversion is termed as malolactic fermentation.This conversion takes place due to the presence of different types of bacterias like family of lactic acid bacteria, pediococcus, oenococcus oeni and various other species of lactobacillus.the main function of these bacterias is to convert the malic acid already present in grape vine to lactic acid such a process can occur naturally case of commercial winemaking this process is done by the inoculation of the desirable bacteria mostly the oenococcus oeni. Such a fermentation enhances the flavour of the wine amd produces wine with greater palate softness.through such a process the acidity feeling of the wine gets softer due to the change of the harsh malic acid to the soft lactic also reducess the sourness that is present in the wine.
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