In: Biology
Ans: It has been found in many studies that there is a direct relation between caloric intake, body composition and blood pressure. More is the caloric intake, more is the person obese and higher is the blood pressure of the person. Actually, our body is designed to decompose the food and burn the calories up to a particular limit per day. However, this limit can be increased by physical excercise.The basic rule to remain fit is "Calories in must be equal to calories out". If we take food having calories more than required for a day according to our lifestyle, it will undergo metabolic changes after digestion, and will be converted into energy to perform daily works, and a part of it is used to buid up mass of the body in the form fat tissue or adipose tissue. This causes incraese in weight. In this way, more and more calories we take, problem of obesity increases in our body. Now, building up of fat on vaious organs like kidneys, liver, blood vessels causes them to constrict. Due to this, sufficient amount of blood spply can't reach them and tissues of these organs require more blood, and less blood reaches back to heart. This causes in incraese of the heart activity and pressure in blood vessels ultimately increasing the blood pressure causes the problem of hypertension.
In this way, caloric intake, body composition and blood pressure are directly related to each other.