
In: Biology

what use is the nitrogen fixed by the cyanobacteria to mankind?

what use is the nitrogen fixed by the cyanobacteria to mankind?


Expert Solution

Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae are free-living oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria. They are capable of fixing nitrogen into organic products such as nitrate or ammonia and these organic forms are utilized from the soil by the plants for their growth.

Since nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria does not cause a direct benefit to mankind but there is an indirect benefit. These cyanobacteria are important for mankind as they help in crop production by not only improving nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and other mineral content in the soils but facilitate plants to make better use of such minerals in plant growth promotion. When the nitrogen is being fixed by these bacteria, they are available in the soils in the form of ammonia or nitrate and now these organic forms are taken up by plants for their growth. They do not only improve plant growth but also improve the nutritious quality of the crops.

By fixing the nitrogen, cyanobacteria enhance the production and quality of crops and thus benefitting the humans.

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