
In: Computer Science

Write a MIPS assembly program to first set up 10 bank accounts. Store the 10 account...

Write a MIPS assembly program to first set up 10 bank accounts. Store the 10 account numbers in an array named Accounts and the 10 balances in an array named Balances (hard-code them into your program). Your program will then repeatedly read in an account number, a transaction type (0 for deposit and 1 for withdraw), and a transaction amount. Your program will display the new balance after the transaction. An error massage will be printed if an incorrect account number is entered. A withdraw request will be rejected if not enough fund is in the account. Your program will terminate when -1 is entered as an account number.

Use following account numbers and balances to initialize the arrays:

Account Balance

205 123

212 5000

200 4

203 79

201 987

231 500

209 40

207 904

211 33

250 200


Expert Solution

Please find the answer below.
Please do comments in case of any issue. Also, don't forget to rate the question. Thank You So Much.

Accounts : .word 205,212,200,203,201,231,209,207,211,250
balances :.word 123,500,4,79,987,500,40,904,33,200
prompt: .asciiz "\nPlease enter bank account number : "
transMsg: .asciiz "\nEnter 0 for deposit or 1 for withdraw : "
amntMSg: .asciiz "\nPlease enter amount : "
newBalMsg: .asciiz "\nNew Balance is : "
errMsg: .asciiz "\nInsufficient balance"
notFound: .asciiz "\nAccount ID not found!!!"
currBalIsMSg: .asciiz "\nYour current balance is : "
errorTransMsg: .asciiz "\nInvalid transaction type entered!!!"
.globl main

la $a3,Accounts
la $a2,balances
li $s0,10 #size of array
li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt #it will print prompt
li $v0,5
beq $v0,-1,exit

li $t0,0 #index
mul $t1,$t0,4 #get index of i
add $t2,$t1,$a3 #get index of array[i]
lw $t2,($t2) #get value of array[i]
beq $t2,$v0,found
addi $t0,$t0,1 #i++
blt $t0,$s0 loopSearch
li $v0,4
la $a0,notFound #it will print prompt
j while
add $t3,$t1,$a2 #get index of array[i]
lw $t2,($t3) #get value of array[i]
li $v0,4
la $a0,currBalIsMSg #it will print prompt
li $v0,1
move $a0,$t2

li $v0,4
la $a0,transMsg #it will print prompt
li $v0,5
move $t7,$v0
beq $t7,0,deposite
beq $t7,1,withDraw
li $v0,4
la $a0,errorTransMsg #it will print prompt
j exitTransIF
li $v0,4
la $a0,amntMSg #it will print prompt
li $v0,5
add $t2,$t2,$v0
sw $t2,($t3)
j exitTransIF

li $v0,4
la $a0,amntMSg #it will print prompt
li $v0,5
blt $t2,$v0,errorWithd
sub $t2,$t2,$v0
sw $t2,($t3)
j exitTransIF

li $v0,4
la $a0,errMsg #it will print prompt
j exitTransIF

li $v0,4
la $a0,newBalMsg #it will print prompt
move $a0,$t2
li $v0,1

j while

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