Before knowing the the role of class-oriented metrics in
assessing the quality of an OO system, lets first see what is the
meaning of an OO system :
- OO system : OO
system or we can say Object Oriented system, are those in which
everything was design as class and objects. where objects are real
world entity like human, bird, table, etc. And Class is defined as
the blueprint of the object. Also there are four features or we can
say four fundamentals of object oriented system are abstraction,
polymorphism, encapsulation and inheritance.
Now moving on Class oriented matices , see what they
have and how they assess the quality of OO system:
Class oriented matrices : First of all it was propoesed
by Chidamber and kemerer. It was degined in such a way that take
cares of few things as :
- Weighted methods per
class : As in every class there are some vaiables and
methods(functions) are present. Some
methodes are having much more importance and some having less
importance than others, so all the methods which are more important
are weighted methods. Class
oriented matrices are having the weighted methods per class.
So it helps in identifying the more valueable methodes in entire
class. Methodes in object oriented system are treated as the
behaviour of the objects. by this there is assessing of the OO
system by its weighted methods.
- Class oriented matrices having the coupling between the objects and classes.
that leads to make an OO system more stable. Coupling normally refers to the having knowledge
of others, Like One class have all information of other
class , so we can retrive all the information of one class from
other class. That leads to assess that
our OO system is either in loose coupling or tight
- Subclass , or child class
can over write a methode of its parent class, that known as methode
overriding. Class oreinted matrix have the count of number
of the methode that are overriden. So it assess the number of times
in which methode overriding have been done, that assess that how
much the use of the property of polymorphism is used(as method
overriding is the run time polymorphism). Polymorphism is one of
the feature of object oriented system.
- Class oriented matix also have the knowledge of the depth of the inheritance
tree. Inheritance refers to the access all the methods or variable
of one class from other class. as making one class as child
class of other class(Parent class). So it have the depth of the
inharitance, that ,means it have record that how many time there is
use of the inharitance where used in the program. IT assess that
how much the program uses the inheritance in its entire