1. when the sequence is uniquely determined? 2. what does a surplus variable represent?

1. when the sequence is uniquely determined?
2. what does a surplus variable represent?

In: Advanced Math

true or false. The solution to a rational inequality will be a single value? what are...

true or false. The solution to a rational inequality will be a single value?

what are the possible rational zeros of the function: f(x)=x^3+2x^2-x+6?

In: Advanced Math

Let X = {1, 2, 3}. Find all topologies T on X such that (X, T...

Let X = {1, 2, 3}. Find all topologies T on X such that (X, T ) is regular.

In: Advanced Math

Let A = R x R, and let a relation S be defined as: “(x​1,​ y​1)​...

  1. Let A = R x R, and let a relation S be defined as: “(x​1,​ y​1)​ S (x​2,​ y​2)​ ⬄ points (x​1,​ y​1)​ and (x​2,​ y​2)​are 5 units apart.” Determine whether S is reflexive, symmetric, or transitive. If the answer is “yes,” give a justification (full proof is not needed); if the answer is “no” you ​must​ give a counterexample.

In: Advanced Math

MAXIMIZATION BY THE SIMPLEX METHOD Maximize z = x1 + 2x2 + x3 subject to x1...


Maximize z = x1 + 2x2 + x3

subject to

x1 + x2 ≤ 3

x2 + x3 ≤ 4

x1 + x3 ≤ 5

x1, x2, x3 ≥0

In: Advanced Math

(1 point) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find a solution of y′′−4y′+33y=64e2tcos(5t)+64e2tsin(5t)+2e1t.y″−4y′+33y=64e2tcos⁡(5t)+64e2tsin⁡(5t)+2e1t. Use a...

(1 point) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find a solution of


Use a and b for the constants of integration associated with the homogeneous solution. Use a as the constant in front of the cosine term.

In: Advanced Math

Consider the differential equation x′=[2 4 -2 −2], with x(0)=[1 1] Solve the differential equation where...

Consider the differential equation x′=[2 4

-2 −2],

with x(0)=[1 1]

Solve the differential equation where x=[x(t)y(t)].



please be as clear as possible especially when solving for c1 and c2 that's the part i need help the most

In: Advanced Math

A manager of an inventory system believes that inventory models are important decision-making aids. The manager...

A manager of an inventory system believes that inventory models are important decision-making aids. The manager has experience with the EOQ policy, but has never considered a backorder model because of the assumption that backorders were “bad” and should be avoided. However, with upper management's continued pressure for cost reduction, you have been asked to analyze the economics of a backorder policy for some products that can possibly be backordered. For a specific product with D = 800 units per year, Co = $150, Ch = $5, and Cb = $30, what is the difference in total annual cost between the EOQ model and the planned shortage or backorder model? If the manager adds constraints that no more than 25% of the units can be backordered and that no customer will have to wait more than 15 days for an order, should the backorder inventory policy be adopted? Assume 250 working days per year.

In: Advanced Math

ScanSoft Development Company is developing a new process to manufacture optical disks. The development costs were...

ScanSoft Development Company is developing a new process to manufacture optical disks. The development costs were higher than expected, so ScanSoft required an immediate cash inflow of $5 200 000. To raise the required capital, the company decided to issue bonds. Since ScanSoft had no expertise in issuing and selling bonds, the company decided to work with an investment dealer. The investment dealer bought the company's entire bond issue at a discount, and then planned to sell the bonds to the public at face value or the current market value. To ensure it would raise the $5 200 000 it required, ScanSoft issued 5200 bonds with a face value of $1000 each on January 20,2016. Interest is paid semi-annually on July 20 and January 20, beginning July 20, 2016. The bonds pay interest at 5.5% compounded semi-annually.

ScanSoft directors realize that when the bonds mature on January 20, 2036, there must be $5 200 000 available to repay the bondholders. To have enough money on hand to meet this obligation, the directors set up a sinking fund using a specially designated savings account. The company earns interest of 1.6% compounded semi-annually on this sinking fund account. The directors began making semi-annual payments to the sinking fund on July 20, 2016.

ScanSoft Development Company issued the bonds, sold them all to the investment
dealer, and used the money raised to continue its research and development.


1. How much would an investor have to pay for one of these bonds to earn 4.4%
compounded semi-annually?

2. (a) What is the size of the sinking fund payment?
(b) What will be the total amount deposited into the sinking fund account would be by January 2036?
(c) How much of the sinking fund will be interest?

3. Suppose ScanSoft discovers on January 20, 2026, that it can earn 2.5% interest compounded semi-annually on its sinking fund account.
(a) What is the balance in the sinking fund after the January 20, 2026, sinking fund payment?
(b) What is the new sinking fund payment if the fund begins to earn 2.5% on January 21, 2026?
(c) What will be the total amount deposited into the sinking fund account over the life of the bonds?
(d) How much of the sinking fund will then be interest?

In: Advanced Math

Let S ⊆ R be a nonempty compact set and p ∈ R. Prove that there...

Let S ⊆ R be a nonempty compact set and p ∈ R. Prove that there exists a point x_0 ∈ S which is “closest” to p. That is, prove that there exists x0 ∈ S such that |x_0 − p| is minimal.

In: Advanced Math

Let (an) be a real sequence in the standard metric. Prove that (an) is bounded if...

  1. Let (an) be a real sequence in the standard metric. Prove that (an) is bounded if and only if every subsequence of (an) has a convergent subsequence.

In: Advanced Math

Explore the change of mathematics due to interactions with different cultures. What cultures made the biggest...

Explore the change of mathematics due to interactions with different cultures. What cultures made the biggest impacts on mathematics? Which cultures benefited the most from this interaction?

In: Advanced Math

Prove or Disprove: that Zxmn is isomorphic to Zxm x Zxn  if gcd (n, m) = 1

Prove or Disprove: that Zxmn is isomorphic to Zxm x Zxn  if gcd (n, m) = 1

In: Advanced Math

Please explain Question 1 Consider the following linear programming problem: Maximize 3.5x1 + 7x2 Subject to...

Please explain

Question 1

Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 3.5x1 + 7x2

Subject to
4x1 + 3x2 > =12

-4x1 - 6x2 =< 12

x2 > =3
x1, x2 > 0

The above linear programming problem:
exhibits unboundedness

Question 2

Consider the following linear programming

Minimize 6x1 + 4x2

Subject to
5x1 + 3x2 =< 15

6x1 + 8x2 > =48

x2 > =6
x1, x2 > 0

The above linear programming problem:

exhibits infeasibility

In: Advanced Math

Warehouse Location - The FMC Corporation* The FMC Corporation is a large diversified producer of machinery,...

Warehouse Location - The FMC Corporation*

The FMC Corporation is a large diversified producer of machinery, chemicals, films, and fibers such as nylon. The company has annual sales which place it in the top hundred corporations in the nation. The study presented in this case was done for FMC's Link-Belt Products Division, manufacturers of a broad line of industrial equipment. The study was done by FMC's own consultants, people who are available to work with any of the company's divisions.

A few years before the beginning of this study, Link-Belt management began to feel that perhaps it should reduce the number of warehouses. This feeling was based on several factors, including the decrease in transportation time necessary to reach customers, the lower cost of communication services, higher labor costs, and improvements in techniques of automating warehouses.

The company had warehouses in Philadelphia; Atlanta; Columbus, Ohio; Chicago; Kansas City; Dallas; Reno; Seattle; Houston; and Portland, Oregon. The question presented by the Link-Belt management to the consultants: Should any of the current warehouses be closed, and, in general, what possible configuration of warehouse sites would provide the lowest possible cost while still providing good service to customers?

Dollar amounts reflecting total warehouse sales, tonnages handled, and total operating costs are considered confidential by FMC. However, in the most recent year for which an analysis of figures could be made, the percentage breakdown for Link-Belt's warehouse operating costs were as follows: 19% for freight, 42% for inventory investment, and 39% for operating expenses.

To begin the analysis, 17 additional cities were selected as potential warehouse sites. Since construction and land costs vary from city to city, it was necessary to develop for each city an equation which represented the local costs of construction. In developing this equation, we shall use the following variable.

A = warehouse floor area (in thousands of square feet)
Cc = cost of labor and materials to build a warehouse (in thousands of dollars)
L = amount of land needed for warehouse (in acres)
C1 = cost of land (in thousands of dollars)
I = inventory in a warehouse at a given time (in pounds)
T = total quantity of merchandise going through a warehouse in a year (in thousands of pounds)
For example, if A represents the warehouse area in thousands of square feet, and Cc represents the cost of labor and materials in thousands of dollars, then

Cc = 12.5 + 3.75A
was found to provide a good approximation to the cost for labor and materials in Atlanta, while

Cc = 18.75 + 5.6A
is a similar equation for Chicago. These equations were obtained by studying construction costs in the cities in question.

Land prices also vary from city to city. Again using information obtained about each of the cities in question, it was estimated that the amount of land, L, in acres, needed for a warehouse of area A, in thousands of square feet, is given by

L = 0.875 + 0.0315A.
For Chicago, the cost of this land, C1, in thousands of dollars, is given by A, in thousands of square feet, is given by

C1 = 30.6 + 1.10A,
while the cost equation for Atlanta is

C1 = 14.8 + 0.94A.
Based on past records, the company knows that one square foot of warehouse area can store about 70 pounds of merchandise, or, if I represents inventory measured in pounds in a warehouse at a given time, then

I = 70A.
The inventory at a given time, again from experience, is also given by

I = 180 + 0.1435T,
where T is the total weight of merchandise in thousands of pounds that go through the warehouse in a year.

Using the above equations, we can find the cost of land, labor, and materials for a new warehouse in Chicago in terms of T—that is, we can find the cost in terms of the quantity of merchandise going through the warehouse in a year. To find the cost for labor and materials, we begin with

Cc = 18.75 + 5.6A,
and since I = 70A, or A = I/70, we get

We also know that I = 180 + 0.1435T; thus

which simplifies to

Cc = 33.15 + 0.0115T.
To find the cost of land, go through the same steps to obtain

C1 = 33.47 + 0.00225T
for the equation which gives the cost of land for a warehouse in Chicago.

Using these equations, the analysts prepared the following chart.

Cost of a Warehouse in Chicago   Fixed Cost   Variable cost (dollars per 1000 pounds)
Labor, materials   $33,000   $11.50
Land   $33,500   $2.25
Total   $66,500   $13.75
The numbers in this chart were obtained as follows. We know that the cost of land in Chicago is given by C1 = 33.47 + 0.00225T. The fixed cost is found by letting T = 0: C1 = 33.47 + 0.00225(0) = 33.47, which represents a fixed cost of about $33,500. The variable cost is given by 0.00225 thousands of dollars, which is about $2.25 per thousand pounds of merchandise.

Charts similar to the one above could be made for each of the other cities under discussion. Using all these results, and a process called linear programming, the analysts recommended the following consolidation of warehouse sites. All warehousing should be centralized in five warehouses, located in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Dallas, and San Francisco. Operating from these five cities will save $600,000 annually, with an additional $730,000 to be realized from selling the warehouses which would be closed. The analysts estimated that service to customers would be as follows: it would be possible to reach eighty-seven percent of the market from these five warehouses in two days or less (compared to current delivery times of one day or less for 89% of all customers), with the remaining 13% reached in three days. About half the market will have delivery times of one day or less.


Complete each of the following steps.

(a)   Cost of labor and materials in Atlanta:
Cc = ____________________.
(b)   Since A = I/70 and I = 180 + 0.01435T, we have

(c)   The equation for the cost of land in Atlanta is
Cl = ______________________________________.
(d)   We have

Complete the following chart.

Cost of a Warehouse in Atlanta   Fixed Cost   Variable cost
Labor, materials        

Suppose the cost equations for a Sacramento warehouse can be given by

Cc = 11.4 + 4.20A,
C1 = 12.9 + 0.90A.
Obtain Cc and C1 in terms of T. (Hint: Go through the steps of Exercise 1 above.)

Complete a table, similar to the one of Exercise 2, for a warehouse in Sacramento.

Show that warehouse area A, in thousands of square feet, needed for a certain annual total quantity of goods, T, in thousands of pounds, is given by

    A = 2.57 + 0.00205T,     
or   T = 487A - 1250.

In: Advanced Math