inverse laplase transform problem F(s)= (7s+11)/s(s+5)((s^2)+4s+20) find F(t) using laplase transform

inverse laplase transform problem

F(s)= (7s+11)/s(s+5)((s^2)+4s+20)
find F(t) using laplase transform

In: Advanced Math

A tank contains 1000L of pure water. Brine that contains 0.05kg of salt per liter enters...

A tank contains 1000L of pure water. Brine that contains 0.05kg of salt per liter enters the tank at a rate of 5L/min. Also, brine that contains 0.09kg of salt per liter enters the tank at a rate of 10L/min. The solution is kept thoroughly mixed and drains from the tank at a rate of 15L/min. Answer the following questions.

1. How much salt is in the tank after t minutes? Answer (in kilograms):

2. How much salt is in the tank after 2 hours? Answer (in kilograms):

In: Advanced Math

Please read the following scenario and then create the deliverable listed below, 1) Use case diagram...

Please read the following scenario and then create the deliverable listed below, 1) Use case diagram 2) Interaction diagram 3) Create the core and supporting classes of the RIM (Entity, Role, Role Relationship, Participation, Act, Act Relationship) similar to the one in slide 20 in the live session Note: Copy the MS VISIO diagrams and paste them onto a word document and then submit only one word file to the assignment submission link. Scenario Mrs. Annie Nuclear showed symptoms such as sudden onset of fever, headache, and stiff neck for the past 3 days. Annie Nuclear suddenly fell down and lost consciousness and 911 was called. Your solution will be addressing the following section. The message models (design part) will be for the whole scenario. The HL7 v2.x or v3 message implementation can be limited to one interaction mentioned in this scenario. After admitting into the ER, she was treated with mild antibiotics and samples of blood and cerebrospinal fluid were sent for testing. Annie Nuclear was then moved to an isolation ward at the Greenville hospital. Dr. Admit, the clinician for Annie Nuclear, has not yet received the laboratory results, but based on clinical findings (ER) he believes this to be a suspect case of Meningococcal Meningitis (MM)[1]. The doctor sends an investigation request to the local public health unit indicating that lab tests have been ordered but no results are available yet. Nightingale working at the local public health unit accepts the investigation request. She creates a “suspect” case for Annie and then follows up by sending the hospital a care plan request message. This message recommends that the hospital place Annie on respiratory isolation until 24 hours after the commencement of treatment. Nightingale goes to the hospital to see Annie and initiates contact tracing. Annie identifies sixteen people (all within her extended family) with whom she’s recently shared meals. Nightingale records these individuals as close contacts of this case. In the meantime Nightingale receives confirmation of MM from the Laboratory through Laboratory Result Notification. The Lab has sent these results to Public Health because this is a notifiable condition. Dr. Admit treats Annie Nuclear for MM and immediately administers antibiotics; since the MM was diagnosed at a very early stage, Annie Nuclear made a thorough recovery.

In: Advanced Math

The ages of some patients admitted to a certain hospital during a particular week were as...

The ages of some patients admitted to a certain hospital during a particular week were as follows: 48, 109, 31, 54, 11, 37, 18, 64, 99 , 61, 43, 40, 71, 52, 12, 65, 54, 42, 34, 62, 74, 48, 29, 19, 28, 30, 36, 49, 68, 35, 57, 126, 27, 58, 78, 72, 40, 22, 89, 61, 92, 84,100, 101, 96, 113, 79, 85, 21, 67, 94, 25, 69, 108, and 105. Construct the Stem and Leaf display from the data and list the data in an array. Also give a real-life example on the use of stem and leaf display. b- Following data is about the CGPA of two classes. By using the coefficient of variation determine which class performance is consistence Class A 2.30 2.50 3.12 3.01 2.99 3.21 3.97 3.20 2.67 Class B 1.59 4.00 2.45 3.98 1.90 2.56 3.33 3.89 2.67

In: Advanced Math

Assume the reader understands derivatives, and knows the definition of instantaneous velocity (dx/dt), and knows how...

Assume the reader understands derivatives, and knows the definition of instantaneous velocity (dx/dt), and knows how to calculate integrals but is struggling to understand them. Use students’ prior knowledge to provide an explanation that includes the concept and physical meaning of the integral of velocity with respect to time.

Reminder: The user is comfortable with the calculations, but is struggling with the concept. To fully address the prompt, emphasize the written explanation in English over the calculation.

Do not want hand written answer and do not copy paste. Please type. Thanks.

In: Advanced Math

Hello, I need this done with Java and ran in Eclipse if possible. A university wants...

Hello, I need this done with Java and ran in Eclipse if possible.

A university wants to demonstrate its political correctness by applying the Supreme Court’s “Separate but equal is inherently unequal” doctrine to gender as well as race. As such, the university has decided that both genders will use the same bathroom facilities. However, in order to preserve some tradition, it decrees that when a woman is in the bathroom, only other women may enter, and when a man is in the bathroom, only other men may enter. Each politically correct bathroom will have a sign on the outside indicating what state the bathroom is in; Empty, Women Present, or Men Present.

Your job is to implement a multi-threaded simulation of this politically correct bathroom. You may use whatever counters and synchronization mechanisms you need to make sure that your politically correct bathroom works according to the university decree.

Your implementation must generate some status report whenever anyone enters or leaves the bathroom, which should include the sex of the person entering or leaving. This status report should include the state of the bathroom, the number of men and/or women waiting, and the number and sex of the occupants currently in the bathroom.

Once a person (thread) enters the bathroom, that person’s stay in the bathroom should be determined by a random number. The minimum stay should be 2 seconds, and the maximum stay should be 5 seconds.

Once a person (thread) has left the bathroom, use random numbers to determine when that thread will try to gain access again. I suggest that the wait should range from 4 seconds to 10 seconds.

Your program should start 5 male threads and 5 female threads. Each thread should visit the bathroom 10 times. Analyze the output to make sure things are working correctly. Capture a sample of your program’s status reports. Also, print out your source code. Demonstrate your program to the professor, and get a sign off.

Basic Program Structure for PCB (Politically Correct Bathroom)

PCB Class

This class really does all the work of synchronizing access to the PCB. The first question to ask is what information the PCB needs to keep. The PCB has a state, which reflects whether it is empty or whether there are males or females inside. It also must keep track of the number of occupants which are inside, and the number who are waiting to get inside. There can be males or females inside or waiting.

The PCB must also have a means of blocking a thread that is trying to gain access if the state of the PCB does not permit access for this thread at this time. In order to block a thread, the PCB can use the wait method, which will be used to block threads that must wait until the state of the PCB permits access. The PCB should keep a counter which indicates how many males or females are blocked and waiting to get into the PCB.

Since the PCB has multiple member variables which must be read and written by multiple threads, we must synchronize access to these member variables by making the methods of this class synchronized methods.

The constructor for the PCB class must initialize all member variables, including all the state and counter variables.

There should be a maleEnters( ) method and a femaleEnters( ) method. These methods check the state to see whether the male or female thread is allowed to enter or must be blocked. Remember, reading and/or writing the member variables must be done inside a critical section which is protected by the synchronized methods. State and/or counter variables must be updated appropriately. If the male or female must wait to enter, the wait method is used to block the thread. Returning from one of these methods indicates that the thread was successful in entering the PCB.

There should also be a femaleExits( ) method and a maleExits( ) method. These methods update the counter and state member variables appropriately. If the thread exiting the bathroom is the last one out, the state member variable must change, and any waiting threads must be unblocked so that they can attempt to enter again. The notifyAll method can be used to wake up all the threads that are blocked and waiting to get into the PCB.

Remember that something in your simulation must output the state and counter info frequently, or whenever any thread enters or exits the PCB.

MaleThread and FemaleThread Classes

These classes contain the code that simulates the actions of a male or female thread entering and exiting the PCB. These two classes can either inherit from the Thread class or implement the Runnable interface. The constructor for these two classes should accept a PCB object so that all the male and female threads are using the same PCB object. The run method of these two classes should contain a loop which is executed 10 times. Inside the loop, a thread would sleep for a random amount of time between 4 and 10 seconds, and then call the appropriate entry method on the PCB. Once that method returns, the thread has gained access to the PCB and should wait for between 2 and 5 seconds before calling the appropriate exit method on the PCB object.

Main Test Program

This program controls the simulation. The main program must create a PCB object to be used by the male and female threads. It must also create 5 MaleThread objects and 5 FemaleThread objects and start all the male and female threads executing.

It is up to you how to display the output from your simulation. You can use a console window and report the status every time a thread enters, starts waiting, stops waiting, or exits the PCB object. Or you can use a simple GUI and use the main thread to periodically (every 100 msec) update a display that shows in some way the threads that are in the PCB or that are waiting to get in, and whether they are male or female threads.

In: Advanced Math

Initially, $2000 is deposited into a retirement account which pays 5% interest per year, compounded continuously....

Initially, $2000 is deposited into a retirement account which pays 5% interest per year, compounded continuously. New money is added to the account at the rate of $1000 per year. How much will be in the account after 10 years?

Please use the method of ordinary differential equations to setup and complete the problem. Also please show all steps and work clearly so I can follow your logic and learn to solve similar ones myself. I will rate your answer for you and leave feedback. Thank you kindly!

In: Advanced Math

A tetrahedron is to be moved along a trajectory such that at the end of the...

A tetrahedron is to be moved along a trajectory such that at the end of the trajectory (t=1)

it is rotated 45 deg. about the vector [1,1,1] (positive rotation) and the centroid of the
tetrahedron is translated to [x,y,z]=[2.525, 1.675, 1.575]. Calculate the transformation
matrix at t=.50 using linear interpolation for the translational and rotational part of the
transformation matrix. (Hint: for the rotational part interpolate the quaternion
representation of the rotational part).

A tetrahedron originally has coordinates at t=0:






In: Advanced Math

Solve the Sturn-Liouville problem, x^2X'' + lambda X =0 X(1)=X(2)=0

Solve the Sturn-Liouville problem,

x^2X'' + lambda X =0


In: Advanced Math

1- detail, in your own words, the process of drawing and describing the graph of a...

1- detail, in your own words, the process of drawing and describing the graph of a polar equation.

In: Advanced Math

LaRosa Machine Shop (LMS) is studying where to locate its tool bin facility on the shop...

LaRosa Machine Shop (LMS) is studying where to locate its tool bin facility on the shop floor. The locations of the five production stations appear in figure shown below.

Station X Y Demand
Fabrication 1.0    4.0    12     
Paint 1.0    2.0    24     
Subassembly 1 2.5    2.0    13     
Subassembly 2 3.0    5.0    7     
Assembly 4.0    4.0    22     

In an attempt to be fair to the workers in each of the production stations, management has decided to try to find the position of the tool bin that would minimize the sum of the distances from the tool bin to the five production stations. We define the following decision variables:

X = horizontal location of the tool bin

Y = vertical location of the tool bin

We may measure the straight line distance from a station to the tool bin located at (X,Y) by using Euclidean (straight-line) distance. For example, the distance from fabrication located at the coordinates (1,4) to the tool bin located at the coordinates (X,Y) is given by .

(a) Suppose we know the average number of daily trips made to the tool bin from each production station. The average number of trips per day are 12 for fabrication, 24 for Paint, 13 for Subassembly 1, 7 for Subassembly 2 and 22 for Assembly. It seems like we would want the tool bin closer to those stations with high average numbers of trips. Develop a new unconstrained model that minimizes the sum of the demand-weighted distance defined as the product of the demand (measured in number of trips) and the distance to the station.
(b) Solve the model you developed in part (a).
If required, round your answer to six decimal places. Do not round intermediate calculation.
X =  
Y =  
(c) The solution to the un-weighted model is X = 2.230 and Y = 3.349. Comment on the differences between the unweighted distance solution given and the demand-weighted solution found in part (b).

In: Advanced Math

Find y as a function of x: y'''-12y''+27y'=80e^x y(0)=29 y'(0)=11 y''(0)=21 I found the roots to...

Find y as a function of x:





I found the roots to be r=0,3,9 and c1=224/9 c2=13/3 c3=-2/9

not sure what is wrong with the answer I'm entering.

In: Advanced Math

2. The data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time...

2. The data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time in the table below. Determine the value of the velocity at t=16 seconds using: (this is the table)

t(s) 0 15 18 22

v(t) 22 24 37 25

a) Newton’s divided difference first order polynomial method.

b) Newton’s divided difference second order polynomial method.

c) Newton’s divided difference third order polynomial method.

In: Advanced Math

1. The table shows the performance of a selection of 100 stocks after one year. (Take...

1. The table shows the performance of a selection of 100 stocks after one year. (Take S to be the set of all stocks represented in the table. If a stock stayed within 20% of its original value, it is classified as "unchanged".)

Companies Total
10 3 6 19
9 12 12 33
10 3 7 20
Total 29 18 25 72

Use symbols to describe the event that an Internet stock did not increase.

How many elements are in the event?

2. The table shows the performance of a selection of 107 stocks after one year. (Take S to be the set of all stocks represented in the table. If a stock stayed within 20% of its original value, it is classified as "unchanged".)

Companies Total
11 3 18 32
32 0 11 43
11 3 18 32
Total 54 6 47 107

Compute n(PN')._____

What does this number represent?

a. n(PN') is the number of stocks that were either not pharmaceutical stocks, or were not unchanged after a year (or both).

b.n(PN') is the number of stocks that were either pharmaceutical stocks, or were unchanged after a year (or both).    

c.n(PN') is the number of stocks that were pharmaceutical stocks and were not unchanged after a year.

d.n(PN') is the number of stocks that were either pharmaceutical stocks, or were not unchanged after a year (or both).

e. n(PN') is the number of stocks that were not pharmaceutical stocks and were unchanged after a year.

3. Suppose two dice (one red, one green) are rolled. Consider the following events. A: the red die shows 3; B: the numbers add to 4; C: at least one of the numbers is 1; and D: the numbers do not add to 9. Express the given event in symbols. HINT [See Example 5.]

Either the numbers add to 4, or they add to 9, or at least one of them is 1.

How many elements does it contain?

4. Suppose two dice (one red, one green) are rolled. Consider the following events. A: the red die shows 6; B: the numbers add to 9; C: at least one of the numbers is 6; and D: the numbers do not add to 12. Express the given event in symbols. HINT [See Example 5.]

The red die shows 6 and the numbers add to 9.

How many elements does it contain?

In: Advanced Math

1) 14x + 35y = 91 2) 56x + 72y = 40 3) 24x + 138y...

1) 14x + 35y = 91

2) 56x + 72y = 40

3) 24x + 138y =18

*linear diophantine equations

a) find different solutions for each equation

b) find the value (t), (t) being an arbitrary integer

c) find the general solution for every equation.

d) based on theorem 4.16 give the statement that gives the necessary and sufficient conditions (if and only if) for the equation ax + by = c to have a solution.

(hint) the linear equation ax+by=c has a solution if and only if ______________________________________________.

In: Advanced Math