Prove the following statements by using the definition of
convergence for sequences of
real numbers.
a) If {cn} is a sequence of real numbers and {cn} converges to 1
then {1/(cn+1)} converges to 1/2
b) If {an} and {bn} are sequences of real numbers and {an}
converges A and {bn} converges to B and B is not equal to 0 then
{an/bn} converges to A/B
3) Prove that the cardinality of the open unit interval, (0,1),
is equal to the cardinality of the open unit cube:
{(x,y,z) E R^3|0<x<1, 0<y<1,
[Hint: Model your argument on Cantor's proof for the
interval and the open square. Consider the decimal expansion of the
fraction 12/999. It may prove handdy]
Introduction to logic:
Translate each argument using the letters provided and prove the
argument valid using all eight rules of implication.
Sam will finish his taxes and Donna pay her property taxes or
Sam will finish his taxes and Henry will go to the DMV. If Sam
finishes his taxes, then his errands will be done and he will be
stress-free for a time. Therefore, Sam will finish his taxes and he
will be stress-free for a time. (S, D,...
1. State the prove The Density Theorem for Rational Numbers
2. Prove that irrational numbers are dense in the set of real numbers
3. Prove that rational numbers are countable
4. Prove that real numbers are uncountable
5. Prove that square root of 2 is irrational
Using field axioms, prove the following theorems:
(i) If x and y are non-zero real numbers, then xy does not equal
(ii) Let x and y be real numbers. Prove the following
1. (-1)x = -x
2. (-x)y = -(xy)=x(-y)
3. (-x)(-y) = xy
(iii) Let a and b be real numbers, and x and y be non-zero real
numbers. Then a/x + b/y = (ay +bx)/(xy)
Let A be a subset of all Real Numbers. Prove that A is closed
and bounded (I.e. compact) if and only if every sequence of numbers
from A has a subsequence that converges to a point in A.
Given it is an if and only if I know we need to do a forward and
backwards proof. For the backwards proof I was thinking of
approaching it via contrapositive, but I am having a hard time
writing the proof in...
Prove that cardinality is an equivalence relation. Prove for all
properties (refextivity, transitivity and symmetry). Please do this
problem and explain every step. The less confusing notation the
better, thanks!
Block copy, and paste, the argument into the window below, and
do a proof to prove that the argument is valid.
1. (p ⊃ z) • (q • ~z)
2. (~p • q) ⊃ s
3. m v ~s : .