
In: Computer Science

Writing a Java Code Requirements of the JAVA program: Your task is to calculate geometric area...

Writing a Java Code

Requirements of the JAVA program:

Your task is to calculate geometric area for 3 shapes(square, rectangle and circle).

  1. You need to build a menu that allows users to enter options. Possible options are 'S' for square, 'R' for rectangle and 'C' for circle. HINT: you can use switch statement to switch on string input
    1. Invalid input should throw a message for the user. Example: Invalid input, please try again
  2. Each options should ask users for relevant data. HINT: use scanner object to take in length for square, length/width for rectangle and radius for circle
    1. At the class level store a constant variable for PI that cannot be changed. You can use 3.14 for the value
  3. Each option should call relevant method that is created at the class level. Methods should take in input received from the users in the step above and return values. HINT: one method for square area calculation, one for rectangle area calculation and one for circle area calculation. Square and rectangle should return int, circle should return double

Expected output:

***Area Calculator***

S  --  Square

R  --  Rectangle

C  --  Circle


Please enter length of the square:


Area of your square is: 4

***Area Calculator***

S  --  Square

R  --  Rectangle

C  --  Circle


Please enter length of the rectangle:


Please enter length of the rectangle:


Area of your rectangle is: 6

***Area Calculator***

S  --  Square

R  --  Rectangle

C  --  Circle


Please enter the redius of the circle:


Area of your circle is: 28.26


Expert Solution

package add;
import static java.lang.System.exit;
import java.util.*;

public class Geometry {
    static float pi=(float) 3.14;
     float squareArea(float x)
        return x*x;
    float rectangleArea(float x, float y)
        return x*y;
    float circleArea(float r)
        return (float) (pi*r*r);
    public static void main(String args[]){
        Geometry obj = new Geometry();
        Scanner s=new Scanner(;
        char sc;
        float n,n1,r,a;
            System.out.println("\n***Area Calculator***");
            System.out.println("S  --  Square");
            System.out.println("R  --  Rectangle");
            System.out.println("C  --  Circle");
                case 'S':
                    System.out.println("Please enter length of the square:");
                    System.out.print("Area of your square is:"+a);
                case 'R':
                    System.out.println("Please enter length of the rectangle:");
                    System.out.println("Please enter breadth of the rectangle:");
                    System.out.print("Area of your rectangle is:"+a);
                case 'C':
                    System.out.println("Please enter the redius of the circle:");
                    System.out.print("Area of your circle is:"+a);
                default:System.out.println("Wrong choice");


***Area Calculator***
S -- Square
R -- Rectangle
C -- Circle
Please enter length of the square:
Area of your square is:4.0
***Area Calculator***
S -- Square
R -- Rectangle
C -- Circle
Please enter length of the rectangle:
Please enter breadth of the rectangle:
Area of your rectangle is:6.0
***Area Calculator***
S -- Square
R -- Rectangle
C -- Circle
Please enter the redius of the circle:
Area of your circle is:28.26
***Area Calculator***
S -- Square
R -- Rectangle
C -- Circle
Wrong choice
Java Result: 1

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