
In: Computer Science

I need to write a program and can't seem to make it run properly. Someone can...

I need to write a program and can't seem to make it run properly.

Someone can help with the coding? It's with python


Here is the program:

The rules of Shut the Box are as follows (abbreviated version):
+ You have two 5-sided die
+ You have 5 wooden blocks (labeled 1 through 5)
+ Each turn, you roll the dice and knock down the blocks corresponding to the number on each die + You have to knock down one block every turn. If you can’t, you lose

+ You may knock down two blocks in your turn (e.g. if you roll a 3 and a 5 you can knock them both down)
+ You must knock down every single block to win
+ Rounds continue until either 1) all blocks are knocked down (you win!) or 2) you don't knock any blocks down in a given round (you lose!)

Use those criteria to write a Shut the Box program that displays what turn it is, rolls the dice, knocks down blocks, and displays whether the user won or loss.

Your program should have the following functions:

1. main: Begins program execution: display "Let's play Shut the Box!". Initialize five block variables all to False (representing the blocks standing up at the beginning of the game). Display the current turn (e.g. Turn: 1, Turn: 2, etc.). Call the roll_die function twice to get values for the round, then display the values rolled (e.g. "You rolled a 5 and a 3"). Process the dice values by checking to see if the block associated with the value rolled is currently standing (False) or knocked down (True). If the block is False, flip it to True (you knocked it down). Make sure to keep track of the number of die being used in a given round, because if you don't knock any blocks down in a round you lose!

2. has_won: receives all five blocks as parameter variables (Booleans) and checks whether each block is True or False (False = block is standing, True = block has been knocked down). If a block is False, return False. If all blocks are True, return True (meaning they are all knocked down, thus you won).

3. roll_die: simulates rolling of a virtual die. Returns a single random integer between 1 and 5 (inclusive).



+ The five variables representing the blocks should be Booleans. Initialize them all to be False (standing up), then flip them to True as they get knocked down.
+ Need to define a number of turns variable that gets incremented (added to) each turn
+ Need to keep track of the number of die not used in that turn

+ If both die are not used (e.g. num_die_not_used == 2) in a given round, the game is over (no blocks were knocked down)

Your program should match the provided sample runs below:

Let's play Shut the Box!
Turn: 1
You rolled a 5 and a 3
You knocked down block 3
You knocked down block 5
Turn: 2

You rolled a 2 and a 4
You knocked down block 2
You knocked down block 4
Turn: 3
You rolled a 5 and a 4
You lost in 3 turns, better luck next time.

Let's play Shut the Box!
Turn: 1
You rolled a 5 and a 5
You knocked down block 5
Turn: 2
You rolled a 1 and a 3
You knocked down block 1
You knocked down block 3
Turn: 3
You rolled a 1 and a 4
You knocked down block 4
Turn: 4
You rolled a 2 and a 2
You knocked down block 2
Congrats, you won in 4 turns!


Expert Solution

Please look at my code and in case of indentation issues check the screenshots.

import random

def roll_die():                       #rolling of a virtual die. Returns a single random integer between 1 and 5 (inclusive).
   return random.randint(1, 5)

def has_won(blocks):
   if False in blocks:               #If a block is False, return False.
       return False
   return True                       #returns true if all blocks are True

def main():
   print("Let's play Shut the Box!")
   blocks = [False, False, False, False, False]               #five variables representing the blocks should be Booleans
   turn = 0                                                   #turn variable that gets incremented (added to) each turn
   num_die_not_used = 0                                       #to keep track of the number of die not used in that turn

   while num_die_not_used != 2:       #If both die are not used (e.g. num_die_not_used == 2) in a given round, the game is over                           
       turn = turn + 1
       print("Turn:", turn)
       dice_value_1 = roll_die()       #Call the roll_die function twice to get values for the round
       dice_value_2 = roll_die()
       print("You rolled a", dice_value_1, "and a", dice_value_2)

       if blocks[dice_value_1-1] == False:       #checking to see if the block associated with the value rolled is currently False
           blocks[dice_value_1-1] = True        #If the block is False, flip it to True (you knocked it down)
           print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
           num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1
       if blocks[dice_value_2-1] == False:
           blocks[dice_value_2-1] = True
           print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
           num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       if(num_die_not_used == 2):               #If both die are not used (e.g. num_die_not_used == 2) in a given round, the game is over   
           print("You lost in", turn, "turns, better luck next time.")

       if has_won(blocks):                       #If all blocks are True, return True (meaning they are all knocked down, thus you won
           print("Congrats, you won in", turn, "turns!")
       num_die_not_used = 0




--------------------Updated code

import random

def roll_die():                       #rolling of a virtual die. Returns a single random integer between 1 and 5 (inclusive).
   return random.randint(1, 5)

def has_won(blocks):
   for i in range(len(blocks)):
       if blocks[i] == False:               #If a block is False, return False.
           return False
   return True                       #returns true if all blocks are True

def main():
   print("Let's play Shut the Box!")
   blocks = [False, False, False, False, False]               #five variables representing the blocks should be Booleans
   turn = 0                                                   #turn variable that gets incremented (added to) each turn
   num_die_not_used = 0                                       #to keep track of the number of die not used in that turn

   while num_die_not_used != 2 and not has_won(blocks): #If both die are not used in a round or game is not won, then play another round
       num_die_not_used = 0                      
       turn = turn + 1
       print("Turn:", turn)
       dice_value_1 = roll_die()       #Call the roll_die function twice to get values for the round
       dice_value_2 = roll_die()
       print("You rolled a", dice_value_1, "and a", dice_value_2)

       if blocks[dice_value_1-1] == False:       #checking to see if the block associated with the value rolled is currently False
           blocks[dice_value_1-1] = True        #If the block is False, flip it to True (you knocked it down)
           print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
           num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1
       if blocks[dice_value_2-1] == False:
           blocks[dice_value_2-1] = True
           print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
           num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       if(num_die_not_used == 2):               #If both die are not used (e.g. num_die_not_used == 2) in a given round, the game is over   
           print("You lost in", turn, "turns, better luck next time.")

       if has_won(blocks):                       #If all blocks are True, return True (meaning they are all knocked down, thus you won
           print("Congrats, you won in", turn, "turns!")



--------------------Update 2 code

import random

def roll_die():                       #rolling of a virtual die. Returns a single random integer between 1 and 5 (inclusive).
   return random.randint(1, 5)

def has_won(block1, block2, block3, block4, block5):
   if block1 and block2 and block3 and block4 and block5:
       return True                       #returns true if all blocks are True
       return False

def main():
   print("Let's play Shut the Box!")
   block1 = block2 = block3 = block4 = block5 = False           #five variables representing the blocks should be Booleans
   turn = 0                                                   #turn variable that gets incremented (added to) each turn
   num_die_not_used = 0                                       #to keep track of the number of die not used in that turn

   while num_die_not_used != 2 and not has_won(block1, block2, block3, block4, block5): #If both die are not used in a round or game is not won, then play another round
       num_die_not_used = 0                      
       turn = turn + 1
       print("Turn:", turn)
       dice_value_1 = roll_die()       #Call the roll_die function twice to get values for the round
       dice_value_2 = roll_die()
       print("You rolled a", dice_value_1, "and a", dice_value_2)

       #checking to see if the block associated with the value rolled is currently False
       #If the block is False, flip it to True (you knocked it down)
       if dice_value_1 == 1:
           if block1 == False:
               block1 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1
       elif dice_value_1 == 2:
           if block2 == False:
               block2 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_1 == 3:
           if block3 == False:
               block3 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_1 == 4:
           if block4 == False:
               block4 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_1 == 5:
           if block5 == False:
               block5 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_1)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       # For dice 2
       if dice_value_2 == 1:
           if block1 == False:
               block1 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1
       elif dice_value_2 == 2:
           if block2 == False:
               block2 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_2 == 3:
           if block3 == False:
               block3 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_2 == 4:
           if block4 == False:
               block4 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       elif dice_value_2 == 5:
           if block5 == False:
               block5 = True       
               print("You knocked down block", dice_value_2)
               num_die_not_used = num_die_not_used + 1

       if(num_die_not_used == 2):               #If both die are not used (e.g. num_die_not_used == 2) in a given round, the game is over   
           print("You lost in", turn, "turns, better luck next time.")

       if has_won(block1, block2, block3, block4, block5):   #If all blocks are True, return True (meaning they are all knocked down, thus you won
           print("Congrats, you won in", turn, "turns!")


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I will surely help you.


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