
In: Computer Science

Write a function called fnReadInParameters() that takes as parameter(s): • a string indicating the name of...

Write a function called fnReadInParameters() that takes as parameter(s): • a string indicating the name of the parameter le This function should return a dictionary that stores all of the parameter le data of the SIR model in a format that we will describe further below.


Expert Solution


As a further any specific programming language to work on the problem is not given, I am using the most common language to work with dictionaries i.e. Python to work on the problem.

I have provided the properly commented and indented code so you can easily copy the code as well as check for correct indentation.
I have provided the output image of the code so you can easily cross-check for the correct output of the code.
Have a nice and healthy day!!


# defining function fnReadInParameters
# takes input string indicating the name of the parameter
def fnReadInParameters(stringInput,*params):
    # converting dict from parameter names from stringInput and params passed
    # in params list
    # first fetching all names from stringInput using split method of string
    # spliting string by ,
    paramnames = stringInput.split(",")
    # creating dict using dict function of python bu passing key,value pair in it
    # to convert two lists to tuple pairs using zip function of python
    resultdict = dict(zip(paramnames,params))
    # return dict
    return resultdict

# calling function fnReadInParameters and displaying result
result = fnReadInParameters("x,y,z",1,2,3)


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