
In: Computer Science

Hello sir can you plz change my below code like change names , function name and...

Hello sir can you plz change my below code like change names , function name and add comments so it wont look same but run same.

struct patient {
int id;
int age;
bool annualClaim;
int plan;
char name[30];
char contactNum[15];
char address[50];
#define MAX_LENGTH 500
struct patient patients[100];
int patientCount = 0;
struct claim {
int id;
int claimedYear;
int amountClaimed;
int remaininigAmount;
struct claim claims[100];
void subscribe()
patients[patientCount].id = patientCount + 1;
printf("Enter age: ");
scanf("%d", & patients[patientCount].age);
printf("\n\n%-25sHealth Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");
printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Monthly Premium", 120, 150, 200);
printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Annual Claim Limit", 120000, 150000, 200000);
printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Lifetime Claim Limit", 600000, 750000, 1000000);
printf("\n\n%-25sAge Group and Health Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");
printf("|%-30s|%-25s%-30s\n", "Types of Claim", " ", "Eligibility Amount");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Room Charges", "120/day", "150/day", "200/day");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Intensive Care Unit", "250/day", "400/day", "700/day");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Hospital Supplies and Services", " ", " ", " ");
printf("|%-30s|%-60s|\n", "Surgical Fees", "As charged Sbject to approval by ZeeMediLife");
printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Other Fees", " ", " ", " ");
int ch;
do {
printf("Select a Claim Limit Type\n1-Annual Claim Limit 2-Lifetime Claim Limit: ");
scanf("%d", & ch);
} while (ch < 1 || ch > 2);
if (ch == 1)
patients[patientCount].annualClaim = true;
patients[patientCount].annualClaim = false;
do {
printf("Select a plan\n1-Plan120 2-Plan150 3-Plan200: ");
scanf("%d", & ch);
} while (ch < 1 || ch > 3);
patients[patientCount].plan = ch;
printf("Enter Name: ");
scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].name);
printf("Contact Number: ");
scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].contactNum);
printf("Enter Address: ");
scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].address);
FILE * fp;
fp = fopen("patients.txt", "a");
fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s\n", patients[patientCount].id, patients[patientCount].name, patients[patientCount].age, patients[patientCount].annualClaim, patients[patientCount].plan, patients[patientCount].contactNum, patients[patientCount].address);
time_t s;
struct tm * currentTime;
s = time(NULL);
currentTime = localtime( & s);
claims[patientCount].id = patients[patientCount].id;
claims[patientCount].amountClaimed = 0;
claims[patientCount].claimedYear = currentTime -> tm_hour + 1900;
if (patients[patientCount].annualClaim == true)
if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1)
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 120000;
else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2)
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 150000;
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 200000;
} else
if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1)
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 600000;
else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2)
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 750000;
claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 1000000;
fp = fopen("claims.txt", "a");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("File Dont exist");
fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", claims[patientCount].id, claims[patientCount].claimedYear, claims[patientCount].amountClaimed, claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount);
void claimProcess()
int id;
bool found = false;
printf("Enter patient ID for which you want to claim insurrence: ");
scanf("%d", & id);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
if (patients[i].id == id)
found = true;
if (found == false)
printf("subscriber not found\n");
int numOfDaysHospitalized, suppliesCost, surgicalFee, otherCharges;
bool ICU;
printf("How many days were you haspitalized: ");
scanf("%d", & numOfDaysHospitalized);
int ICUFlag;
do {
printf("Select A Ward Type\n1-Normal Ward 2-ICU: ");
scanf("%d", & ICUFlag);
} while (ICUFlag < 1 || ICUFlag > 2);
if (ICUFlag == 2)
ICU = true;
ICU = false;
printf("Enter Cost of Supplies and Services: ");
scanf("%d", & suppliesCost);
printf("Enter Surgical Fees: ");
scanf("%d", & surgicalFee);
printf("Enter Other Charges: ");
scanf("%d", & otherCharges);
int ICUCharges = 0;
if (ICU == true)
if (patients[i].plan == 1)
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 120;
else if (patients[i].plan == 2)
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 150;
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 200;
} else
if (patients[i].plan == 1)
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 250;
else if (patients[i].plan == 2)
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 400;
ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 700;
int totalClaimAmount = numOfDaysHospitalized + suppliesCost + surgicalFee + otherCharges + ICUCharges;
if (patients[i].annualClaim == true)
if (patients[i].age > 60)
printf("The subscriber age has exceeded the limit(60 Year), Not Eligible");
int j;
for (j = 0; j < patientCount; j++)
if (claims[j].id == patients[i].id)
int amountToBeBorne = 0;
if (totalClaimAmount <= claims[j].remaininigAmount)
claims[j].amountClaimed += totalClaimAmount;
claims[j].remaininigAmount -= totalClaimAmount;
} else
amountToBeBorne = totalClaimAmount - claims[j].remaininigAmount;
claims[j].amountClaimed += (totalClaimAmount - amountToBeBorne);
claims[j].remaininigAmount = 0;
printf("\n\nThe amount that can be claimed is less then the claim by subscriber. %d RM should be given by subscriber themselves\n", amountToBeBorne);
FILE * fp;
fp = fopen("claims.txt", "w");
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", claims[i].id, claims[i].claimedYear, claims[i].amountClaimed, claims[i].remaininigAmount);
printf("Subscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Claimed Year: %d\nSubscriber amount Claimed: %d\nSubscriber Remaining Claimed: %d\n", claims[j].id, patients[i].name, claims[j].claimedYear, claims[j].amountClaimed, claims[j].remaininigAmount);
void accountInfo()
int ch;
printf("1-Total Amount Claimed by LifeTime Claim Limit subscriber\n");
printf("2-Total number of Annual Claim Limit who have exhausted all their eligible amount\n");
scanf("%d", & ch);
if (ch == 1)
int totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
if (patients[i].annualClaim == false)
for (int j = 0; j < patientCount; j++)
if (claims[j].id == patients[i].id)
totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs += claims[j].amountClaimed;
printf("\nTotal amount Claimed By LifeTime Subscribers is: %d\n", totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs);
} else
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
if (claims[i].remaininigAmount <= 0 && patients[i].annualClaim == true)
printf("Total number of Annual Claim Limit Subcriber who have exhausted all their amount are: %d\n", count);
void searchingFunctionalities()
int ch;
printf("1-Search by ID\n2-Search by age\n");
scanf("%d", & ch);
if (ch == 1)
int id;
printf("Enter patient ID for which you want Search: ");
scanf("%d", & id);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
if (patients[i].id == id)
printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Age: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].age, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);
printf("Subscriber Not Found");
} else
int age;
printf("Enter age for which you want Search: ");
scanf("%d", & age);
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)
if (patients[i].age == age)
printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].id, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);
void loadData()
char line[MAX_LENGTH];
const char * delimiter = ",\n";
FILE * fp;
fp = fopen("patients.txt", "r");
char c;
if (fp == NULL)
printf("file not found");
while (fp != NULL)
if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)
if (line[1] == '\0')
patients[patientCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].name, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
patients[patientCount].age = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
patients[patientCount].annualClaim = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
patients[patientCount].plan = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].contactNum, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].address, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(line, "\0");
fp = fopen("claims.txt", "r");
int claimCount = 0;
while (fp != NULL)
if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)
if (line == "\n")
claims[claimCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].claimedYear = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].amountClaimed = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].remaininigAmount = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(line, "\0");
int menu()
int ch;
do {
               printf("Select one of the below option to continue\n");
printf("1-Insurence Plan Subscription\n");
printf("2-Claim Processing\n");
printf("3-Accounts Information\n");
printf("4-Searching Functionalities\n");
scanf("%d", & ch);
} while (ch > 5 || ch < 1);
return ch;
int main()
int ch;
do {
ch = menu();
if (ch == 1)
else if (ch == 2)
else if (ch == 3)
else if (ch == 4)
} while (ch != 5);
return 0;


Expert Solution

//Header files for C program

//structures and preprocessor directives
struct HospitalHospitalPatient {
        int ID;
        int contactAge;
        bool yearlyClaim;
        int insurancePlan;
        char name[30];
        char contactNumber[15];
        char contactAddress[50];
#define MaximumLength 500
struct HospitalPatient HospitalPatients[100];
int HospitalPatientCount = 0;
struct InsuranceClaim {
        int ID;
        int InsuranceClaimedYear;
        int amountClaimed;
        int remaininigAmount;
struct InsuranceClaim InsuranceClaims[100];


//function to subscribe to an insurance
void SubscribeToInsurance() {
        HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].ID = HospitalPatientCount + 1;
        printf("Enter contactAge: ");
        scanf("%d", & HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAge);
        printf("\n\n%-25sHealth Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Monthly Premium", 120, 150, 200);
        printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Annual Claim Limit", 120000, 150000, 200000);
        printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Lifetime Claim Limit", 600000, 750000, 1000000);
        printf("\n\n%-25sAge Group and Health Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");
        printf("|%-30s|%-25s%-30s\n", "Types of Claim", " ", "Eligibility Amount");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Room Charges", "120/day", "150/day", "200/day");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Intensive Care Unit", "250/day", "400/day", "700/day");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Hospital Supplies and Services", " ", " ", " ");
        printf("|%-30s|%-60s|\n", "Surgical Fees", "As charged Sbject to approval by ZeeMediLife");
        printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Other Fees", " ", " ", " ");
        int ch;
        do {
                printf("Select a Claim Limit Type\n1-Annual Claim Limit 2-Lifetime Claim Limit: ");
                scanf("%d", & ch);
        } while (ch < 1 || ch > 2);
        if (ch == 1)
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].yearlyClaim = true;
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].yearlyClaim = false;
        do {
                printf("Select a insurancePlan\n1-Plan120 2-Plan150 3-Plan200: ");
                scanf("%d", & ch);
        } while (ch < 1 || ch > 3);
        HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan = ch;
        printf("Enter Name: ");
        scanf("%s", & HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].name);
        printf("Contact Number: ");
        scanf("%s", & HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactNumber);
        printf("Enter Address: ");
        scanf("%s", & HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAddress);
        FILE * fp;
        fp = fopen("HospitalPatients.txt", "a");
        fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s\n", HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].ID, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].name, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAge, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].yearlyClaim, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactNumber, HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAddress);
        time_t s;
        struct tm * currentTime;
        s = time(NULL);
        currentTime = localtime( & s);
        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].ID = HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].ID;
        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].amountClaimed = 0;
        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].InsuranceClaimedYear = currentTime -> tm_hour + 1900;
        if (HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].yearlyClaim == true) {
                if (HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan == 1)
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 120000;
                else if (HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan == 2)
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 150000;
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 200000;
        } else {
                if (HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan == 1)
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 600000;
                else if (HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan == 2)
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 750000;
                        InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount = 1000000;
        fp = fopen("InsuranceClaims.txt", "a");
        if (fp == NULL)
                printf("File Dont exist");
        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].ID, InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].InsuranceClaimedYear, InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].amountClaimed, InsuranceClaims[HospitalPatientCount].remaininigAmount);

//function to begin process of insurance claim
void InsuranceClaimProcess() {
        int ID;
        bool found = false;
        printf("Enter HospitalPatient ID for which you want to InsuranceClaim insurrence: ");
        scanf("%d", & ID);
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++) {
                if (HospitalPatients[i].ID == ID) {
                        found = true;
        if (found == false) {
                printf("SubscribeToInsurancer not found\n");
        int numOfDaysHospitalized, suppliesCost, surgicalFee, otherCharges;
        bool ICU;
        printf("How many days were you haspitalized: ");
        scanf("%d", & numOfDaysHospitalized);
        int ICUFlag;
        do {
                printf("Select A Ward Type\n1-Normal Ward 2-ICU: ");
                scanf("%d", & ICUFlag);
        } while (ICUFlag < 1 || ICUFlag > 2);
        if (ICUFlag == 2)
                ICU = true;
                ICU = false;
        printf("Enter Cost of Supplies and Services: ");
        scanf("%d", & suppliesCost);
        printf("Enter Surgical Fees: ");
        scanf("%d", & surgicalFee);
        printf("Enter Other Charges: ");
        scanf("%d", & otherCharges);
        int ICUCharges = 0;
        if (ICU == true) {
                if (HospitalPatients[i].insurancePlan == 1)
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 120;
                else if (HospitalPatients[i].insurancePlan == 2)
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 150;
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 200;
        } else {
                if (HospitalPatients[i].insurancePlan == 1)
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 250;
                else if (HospitalPatients[i].insurancePlan == 2)
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 400;
                        ICUCharges = numOfDaysHospitalized * 700;
        int totalClaimAmount = numOfDaysHospitalized + suppliesCost + surgicalFee + otherCharges + ICUCharges;
        if (HospitalPatients[i].yearlyClaim == true) {
                if (HospitalPatients[i].contactAge > 60) {
                        printf("The SubscribeToInsurancer contactAge has exceeded the limit(60 Year), Not Eligible");
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < HospitalPatientCount; j++) {
                if (InsuranceClaims[j].ID == HospitalPatients[i].ID)
        int amountToBeBorne = 0;
        if (totalClaimAmount <= InsuranceClaims[j].remaininigAmount) {
                InsuranceClaims[j].amountClaimed += totalClaimAmount;
                InsuranceClaims[j].remaininigAmount -= totalClaimAmount;
        } else {
                amountToBeBorne = totalClaimAmount - InsuranceClaims[j].remaininigAmount;
                InsuranceClaims[j].amountClaimed += (totalClaimAmount - amountToBeBorne);
                InsuranceClaims[j].remaininigAmount = 0;
                printf("\n\nThe amount that can be InsuranceClaimed is less then the InsuranceClaim by SubscribeToInsurancer. %d RM should be given by SubscribeToInsurancer themselves\n", amountToBeBorne);
        FILE * fp;
        fp = fopen("InsuranceClaims.txt", "w");
        for (int i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++)
                fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", InsuranceClaims[i].ID, InsuranceClaims[i].InsuranceClaimedYear, InsuranceClaims[i].amountClaimed, InsuranceClaims[i].remaininigAmount);
        printf("Subscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Claimed Year: %d\nSubscriber amount Claimed: %d\nSubscriber Remaining Claimed: %d\n", InsuranceClaims[j].ID, HospitalPatients[i].name, InsuranceClaims[j].InsuranceClaimedYear, InsuranceClaims[j].amountClaimed, InsuranceClaims[j].remaininigAmount);

//function to find information of the account
void accountInfo() {
        int ch;
        printf("1-Total Amount Claimed by LifeTime Claim Limit SubscribeToInsurancer\n");
        printf("2-Total counter of Annual Claim Limit who have exhausted all their eligible amount\n");
        scanf("%d", & ch);
        if (ch == 1) {
                int totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++) {
                        if (HospitalPatients[i].yearlyClaim == false) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < HospitalPatientCount; j++) {
                                        if (InsuranceClaims[j].ID == HospitalPatients[i].ID) {
                                                totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs += InsuranceClaims[j].amountClaimed;
                printf("\nTotal amount Claimed By LifeTime Subscribers is: %d\n", totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs);
        } else {
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++) {
                        if (InsuranceClaims[i].remaininigAmount <= 0 && HospitalPatients[i].yearlyClaim == true)
                printf("Total counter of Annual Claim Limit Subcriber who have exhausted all their amount are: %d\n", count);

//function to create functionality for searching
void searchingFunctionalities() {
        int ch;
        printf("1-Search by ID\n2-Search by contactAge\n");
        scanf("%d", & ch);
        if (ch == 1) {
                int ID;
                printf("Enter HospitalPatient ID for which you want Search: ");
                scanf("%d", & ID);
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++) {
                        if (HospitalPatients[i].ID == ID) {
                                printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Age: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", HospitalPatients[i].name, HospitalPatients[i].contactAge, HospitalPatients[i].contactNumber, HospitalPatients[i].contactAddress);
                printf("Subscriber Not Found");
        } else {
                int contactAge;
                printf("Enter contactAge for which you want Search: ");
                scanf("%d", & contactAge);
                for (int i = 0; i < HospitalPatientCount; i++) {
                        if (HospitalPatients[i].contactAge == contactAge) {
                                printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", HospitalPatients[i].name, HospitalPatients[i].ID, HospitalPatients[i].contactNumber, HospitalPatients[i].contactAddress);

//function to load data
void loadData() {
        char line[MaximumLength];
        const char * delimiter = ",\n";
        FILE * fp;
        fp = fopen("HospitalPatients.txt", "r");
        char c;
        if (fp == NULL) {
                printf("file not found");
        while (fp != NULL) {
                if (fgets(line, MaximumLength - 1, fp) == NULL)
                if (line[1] == '\0')
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].ID = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
                strcpy(HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].name, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAge = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].yearlyClaim = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
                HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].insurancePlan = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                strcpy(HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactNumber, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                strcpy(HospitalPatients[HospitalPatientCount].contactAddress, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                strcpy(line, "\0");
        fp = fopen("InsuranceClaims.txt", "r");
        int InsuranceClaimCount = 0;
        while (fp != NULL) {
                if (fgets(line, MaximumLength - 1, fp) == NULL)
                if (line == "\n")
                InsuranceClaims[InsuranceClaimCount].ID = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
                InsuranceClaims[InsuranceClaimCount].InsuranceClaimedYear = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                InsuranceClaims[InsuranceClaimCount].amountClaimed = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                InsuranceClaims[InsuranceClaimCount].remaininigAmount = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
                strcpy(line, "\0");

//function to create a menu
int menu()
int ch;
do {
        printf("Select one of the below option to continue\n");
        printf("1-Insurence Plan Subscription\n");
        printf("2-Claim Processing\n");
        printf("3-Accounts Information\n");
        printf("4-Searching Functionalities\n");
        scanf("%d", & ch);
} while (ch > 5 || ch < 1);
return ch;

//main function
int main() {
        int ch;
        do {
                ch = menu();
                if (ch == 1)
                else if (ch == 2)
                else if (ch == 3)
                else if (ch == 4)
        } while (ch != 5);
        return 0;

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Hello sir can you explain me this code in details. void claimProcess() { int id; bool found = false; system("cls"); printf("Enter patient ID for which you want to claim insurrence: "); scanf("%d", & id); int i; for (i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) { if (patients[i].id == id) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { printf("subscriber not found\n"); return; } int numOfDaysHospitalized, suppliesCost, surgicalFee, otherCharges; bool ICU; printf("How many days were you haspitalized: ");...
This code works fine. In java, can you: change the variable and method names to make...
This code works fine. In java, can you: change the variable and method names to make logical sense add method header comments to describe what the method does and what the params/returns are add a class header comment to describe what the code does import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class MethodLibrary { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("MethodLibrary"); System.out.println("Example use of methods"); int[] smallNums1 = {2, 1, 7, 4, 3}; display("display:", smallNums1); char [] characters = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'}; first( characters,...
To my friendly student tax preparer: Hello, my name is Shady Slim. I understand you are...
To my friendly student tax preparer: Hello, my name is Shady Slim. I understand you are going to help me figure out my gross income for the year…whatever that means. It’s been a busy year and I’m a busy man, so let me give you the lowdown on my life and you can do your thing. I was unemployed at the beginning of the year and got $3,500 in unemployment compensation. I later got a job as a manager for...
In Python I have a code: here's my problem, and below it is my code. Below...
In Python I have a code: here's my problem, and below it is my code. Below that is the error I received. Please assist. Complete the swapCaps() function to change all lowercase letters in string to uppercase letters and all uppercase letters to lowercase letters. Anything else remains the same. Examples: swapCaps( 'Hope you are all enjoying October' ) returns 'hOPE YOU ARE ALL ENJOYING oCTOBER' swapCaps( 'i hope my caps lock does not get stuck on' ) returns 'I...
Hello my name is Pete. I posted my previous question in error by forgetting to mention...
Hello my name is Pete. I posted my previous question in error by forgetting to mention that I am located in New York State and am required to go by those rules and regulations. Erica Swanson (SSN 376-38-4930), age 46, is a single parent with three children: Her biological son, Sean Swanson (age 19) is a part-time college student who works fulltime as a landscaper Her biological daughter, Brooklyn Swanson (age 14) Her adopted daughter, Sydney Swanson (age 12) Although...
Can you fix to me this code plz I just want to print this method as...
Can you fix to me this code plz I just want to print this method as the reverse. the problem is not printing reverse. public void printBackward() {               Node curr = head;        Node prev = null;        Node next = null;               System.out.print("\nthe backward of the linkedlist is: ");               while(curr != null) {            next =;   = prev;   ...
Below is my code in C#, When I run it, the output shows System.32[], Can you...
Below is my code in C#, When I run it, the output shows System.32[], Can you please check and let me know what is the problem in the code. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int number=12; Console.WriteLine(FizzArray(number)); } public static int[] FizzArray(int number) { int[] array = new int[number]; for (int i = 1; i < number; i++) array[i] = i; return array; }
(c++) Create a program that is like deli. You can enter peoples names in, and they...
(c++) Create a program that is like deli. You can enter peoples names in, and they will be placed into a stl queue. You can also choose to "serve" someone, which will choose the next person in line. (It will say "now serving" and then the persons's name.). Last, you can choose to "quit", which will "serve" the remaining people in the queue, and then the program will end.