
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that uses all the relational operators.

Write a C++ program that uses all the relational operators.


Expert Solution

An operator is a symbol that is used to perform some manipulations with the values

There are several types of operators:

Arithematic operator

Relational operator

Bitwise operator ,etc

Relational operators are the operators that are used to compare two values.


value1 operator value2

Here , value1 and value2 can be of string , integer or any data type

operator used as part of relational operations are :

< : Less than operator - Checks if left value is less than right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 5<7 -> true , if 7<5 -> false

> : Greater than operator - Checks if left value is greater than right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 7>5 -> true , if 5>7 -> false

== : Equal to   - Checks if left value is equal to right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 7==7 -> true , if 5==7 -> false

<= :   Less than Equal to operator - Checks if left value is less than or equal to right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 5<=7 -> true , if 7<=7 -> true , if 7<=5 -> false

>= :   Greater than Equal to operator - Checks if left value is greater than or equal to right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 7>=5 -> true , if 7>=7 -> true , if 5>=7 -> false

!= : Not equal to  - Checks if left value is not equal to right value , then the result is true otherwsie false

Example: 5!=7 -> true , if 7!=7 -> false

Precedence of operators:

>= , > , <= ,< - Higher precedence operators

== , !=   - Lower precedence operators

Meaning , if an expression is having both high and low precedence operator , then higher precedence operators will be evaluated first and low precedence will be evaluated after that

\n -> is a formatting character used for new line . It is used to print ouput in new line.

Code in C++ :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //used for input output streams to printoutput /take input in console

int main()
cout<<"Relation operators example : "<<"\n";
int value1= 100;
int value2= 70;
//Not Equal to opertor usage
if(value1 != value2){
cout<<"Value1 and Value2 are not equal "<<"\n";
cout<<"Value1 and Value2 are equal "<<"\n";
//Equal to opertor usage
if(value1 == value2){
cout<<"Value1 and Value2 are equal "<<"\n";
cout<<"Value1 and Value2 are not equal "<<"\n";
//less than opertor usage
if(value1 < value2){
cout<<"Value1 is less than Value2 "<<"\n";
cout<<"Value1 is not less than Value2 "<<"\n";
//Greater than opertor usage
if(value1 > value2){
cout<<"Value1 is greater than Value2 "<<"\n";
cout<<"Value1 is not greater than Value2 "<<"\n";
//value change of value2 variable
value2= 100;
//less than Equal to opertor usage
if(value1 <= value2){
cout<<"Value1 is less than or equal to Value2 "<<"\n";
cout<<"Value1 is not less than or equal to Value2 ";
//Greater than Equal to opertor usage
if(value1 >= value2){
cout<<"Value1 is greater than or equal to Value2 ";
cout<<"Value1 is not greater than or equal to Value2 ";


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