In: Economics
Excerpt 2
In the rivers and streams there are ver large and small scorpions
and a great number of very fierce and cruel crocodiles which
frequently get the natives from their bancas on which they ride...
However much the people may trap, catch and kill them, these
reptiles hardly seem to diminishin number. For this reason, the
natives build on the border of their rivers and streams in their
settlements where they bathe, traps and fences with thick
enclosures and bars of bamboo and timber within which they do their
bathing and washing, secure from these monsters which they were
somehow superior to them.
Rizal’s annotation:
Perhaps for the same reason, other nations have great esteem for
the lion and bear, putting them on their shields and giving them
honourable epithets. The mysterious life of the crocodile, the
enormous size that it sometimes reaches, its fatidical aspect,
without counting anymore its voraciousness, must have influenced
greatly the imagination of the Malayan Filipinos.
1. In Excerpt 2, how did Morga
portray the Filipinos?
2. In Rizal’s subsequent annotation, what
does he mean when he says, “ Perhaps for the same reason, other
nations have great esteem for the lion and bear, putting them on
their shields and giving them honourable epithets”?
3. In general, what is Rizal’s motive in writing
his annotations of Morga’s work/ how does this fit into the aims of
other propagandists working for reforms during this time?
alread" de!onstrated that this belief is fallacio&s, as the"co&nt with good te!perat&re, !an" people, food s&ppliesand other factors fa'orable to the !aintenance of h&!anlife) The" li(ewise ha'e !an" !inerals, rich !etals, precio&s stones and pearls, ani!als and plants, in which -at&re has not shown la+it")The totalit" of islands of this large Archipelago bothlarge and s!all, is inn&!erable) Those which are incl&dedin the na!e and go'ern!ent of the Philippine Islands, properl" spea(ing, n&!ber appro+i!atel" fort" si+ largewitho&t an" s!aller ones) The" are all e+tensi'e and the principal and best (nown ones are 2&3on, /indoro,Tenda"a,
Cap&l, 5&rias, /asbate, /arind& d&.&e, 2e"te,a!ar, Ibabao,
Ceb&, Pana", 5ohol, Catand&anes,Cala!ianes, /indanao, and other less i!portant ones)The first island which the panish con.&ered andsettled was Ceb&
where the con.&est was began, andcontin&ed in all the other s&rro&nding islands which are allinhabited b" nati'es residing therein (nown as 8i sa"ans,otherwise called #the tattooed ones% for the reason that the!ost i!portant !ale residents here ha'e since theirchildhood, decorated their entire bodies b" painting theirs(ins, following a pattern therein drawn9 and b" p&ttingcertain blac( powder where the blood oo3es o&t, and thiscan ne'er be re!o'ed) Howe'er, as the capital ofgo'ern!ent and the principal settle!ent
5 It is very difficult no* to determine e$actly hich *as this island of 6endaya, called for some years 7Isla +ilipina8! 2ccording to the accounts of +r!9rdaneta, his island *as far to:the east of the group, passing through themeridian of the #oluccas! #ercator places it in: Panay and +r! /olin in 3eyte,bet*een 2buyog ad /abalian against the opinion of others *h;< place it inIbabao, or south of Samar! ut according to other documents of the epoch, there*as no island *ith this name, but a chief called 6andaya, lord of a to*n locatedi<p-= that part, and because the Spaniards could not understand: the Indios of the time, so many contradictions in their accounts occurred! e see in 3egaspise$pedition (document, %>?"&@& 2cademia de la Aistoria) that *hile theSpaniards *ere tal1ing of islands, the Indios *ere tal1ing of a man,
2fterloo1ing for 6endaya for ten days ,they had to leave *ithout having found itB72nd *e pass on *ithout seeing either 6andaya or 2buyo!8 It seems, ho*ever,that the Spaniards continued giving this name to the southeastern part of Samar,called Ibabao or Cibabao, the southeast, and Samar the north of the same island!
Southeastern part of Samar!
in the language of the country!
6hat is, dra*ing first on the s1in *hat has to be tattoed! 2s it *ill be seenfurther, the isayans used the same method the 4apanes use today!