In: Computer Science
Hello I need a small fix in my program. I need to display the youngest student and the average age of all of the students. It is not working Thanks.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Student {
string firstName;
char middleName;
string lastName;
char collegeCode;
int locCode;
int seqCode;
int age;
struct sort_by_age {
inline bool operator() (const Student& s1, const Student& s2)
return (s1.age < s2.age); // sort according to age of student
// main function to run program
int main() {
//CHANGE: vector students; TO vector students;
vector<Student> students; // create vector object to hold students data
ifstream Myfile; // create input file stream object"a2data.txt"); // open file
// check if file is open
if (!Myfile.is_open()) {
// display error message if file could not be opened
cout << "Could not open the file!";
return 0; //terminate
//CHANGE: vector words; TO vector words;
vector<string> words; // create vector object to store words from input file
//read input from file line by line
string line;
while (!Myfile.eof()) {
getline(Myfile, line); // readline from input file stream
line.c_str(); // convert string in to char array
// file given in eample does not contain one record each line
// but it hase some patern for reading
// each word is seprated by space
//read the liine till space is encountered and get the word
int i = 0; // iterator to iterate over line
string word = "";
while (line[i] != '\0') {
// loop till end of line
if (line[i] != ' ') {
word = word + line[i]; // build word with char
else {
words.push_back(word); // add word to vector
word = ""; //reset word to empty string
i++; //ignore white space
}//end of line
words.push_back(word); // add word to vector
}//end of file
//when done reading input from file close the file stream
int count = 0; // counts the words proceesed from vector object words
string fname =; // variable to store first name of student
count++; //move to next element in the vector
//CHANGE: count < words.size() TO count < words.size() - 2
// at least two words are read in an iteration, so at least two should remain to be read - last name + student id
while (count < words.size() - 2) {
// loop till end of vector words
// create student object
Student s;
//assign first name to student
s.firstName = fname;
//next element in words is middle name
//assign first char to middle name
string mname =;
s.middleName = mname[0];
//next element is last name of student
//assign next word to student
s.lastName =;
//CHANGE: start
//If there was no middle name, this is the student id + first name of next student
if( >= 12) // college code + locCode + seq + age
if([1] >= '0' &&[1] <= '9') // if second character is a digit
// this is the student id field, and there is no middle name
count --; // move one step back for next iteration
s.middleName = ' '; //blank middle name
s.lastName =;
//CHANGE: end
//next element is student id + first name of next student
//id contains college code at first latter
string id =;
//assign college code to the student
s.collegeCode = id[0];
//next 2 char in id contain location
string loc = "";
loc = loc + id[1];
loc = loc + id[2];
// assign location to student
s.locCode = stoi(loc); // convert string to integer
//next 6 char in id contain seqcode
string seq = "";
for (int j = 3; j < 9; j++) {
seq = seq + id[j];
// assign seqcode to student
s.seqCode = stoi(seq); //convert string to int
//next 3 char in id contains age
string age = "";
age = age + id[9];
age = age + id[10];
age = age + id[11];
//assign age to student
s.age = stoi(age); // convert string to int
//remainig latters in id contains next student's first name
// delete id of previous student to get name of next student
fname = id.erase(0, 12); // delete first 12 char from id and assign remaining to fname
// add student to student
// clear the vector as done working with words
//sort vector according to age of students
sort(students.begin(), students.end(), sort_by_age());
// formating output
cout << setw(15) << left << "Last Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "Midlle Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "First Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "College Code";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Location";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Sequence";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Age" << endl;
cout << "=======================================================================================" << endl;
// print all students
for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {
cout << setw(15) << left <<;
cout << setw(15) << left <<;
cout << setw(20) << left <<;
cout << setw(13) << left <<;
cout << setw(10) << left <<;
cout << setw(12) << left <<;
cout << << endl;
//print average age
cout << endl;
int avg_age = ageCalc(arry, youngest);
cout<<"Average age is: "<<avg_age<<endl;
cout<<"Youngest student is "<<youngest->firstName<<" "<<youngest->MiddleN<<" "<<youngest->LastN<<endl;
for(int i=0; i<index; i++){
delete arry[i];
return 0;
int ageCalc(Student *studs[], Student *&youngest){
youngest = studs[0];
int i = 0;
int avg_age = 0;
avg_age += studs[i]->age;
youngest = studs[i];
return avg_age/i;
File needed:
If you have any doubts, please give me comment...
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 50
struct Student
string firstName;
char middleName;
string lastName;
char collegeCode;
int locCode;
int seqCode;
int age;
struct sort_by_age
inline bool operator()(const Student &s1, const Student &s2)
return (s1.age < s2.age); // sort according to age of student
int ageCalc(Student *studs[], Student *&youngest);
// main function to run program
int main()
//CHANGE: vector students; TO vector students;
vector<Student> students; // create vector object to hold students data
ifstream Myfile; // create input file stream object"a2data.txt"); // open file
// check if file is open
if (!Myfile.is_open())
// display error message if file could not be opened
cout << "Could not open the file!";
return 0; //terminate
//CHANGE: vector words; TO vector words;
vector<string> words; // create vector object to store words from input file
//read input from file line by line
string line;
while (!Myfile.eof())
getline(Myfile, line); // readline from input file stream
line.c_str(); // convert string in to char array
// file given in eample does not contain one record each line
// but it hase some patern for reading
// each word is seprated by space
//read the liine till space is encountered and get the word
int i = 0; // iterator to iterate over line
string word = "";
while (line[i] != '\0')
// loop till end of line
if (line[i] != ' ')
word = word + line[i]; // build word with char
if (word != "")
words.push_back(word); // add word to vector
word = ""; //reset word to empty string
i++; //ignore white space
} //end of line
words.push_back(word); // add word to vector
} //end of file
//when done reading input from file close the file stream
int count = 0; // counts the words proceesed from vector object words
string fname =; // variable to store first name of student
count++; //move to next element in the vector
//CHANGE: count < words.size() TO count < words.size() - 2
// at least two words are read in an iteration, so at least two should remain to be read - last name + student id
while (count < words.size() - 2)
// loop till end of vector words
// create student object
Student s;
//assign first name to student
s.firstName = fname;
//next element in words is middle name
//assign first char to middle name
string mname =;
s.middleName = mname[0];
//next element is last name of student
//assign next word to student
s.lastName =;
//CHANGE: start
//If there was no middle name, this is the student id + first name of next student
if ( >= 12) // college code + locCode + seq + age
if ([1] >= '0' &&[1] <= '9') // if second character is a digit
// this is the student id field, and there is no middle name
count--; // move one step back for next iteration
s.middleName = ' '; //blank middle name
s.lastName =;
//CHANGE: end
//next element is student id + first name of next student
//id contains college code at first latter
string id =;
//assign college code to the student
s.collegeCode = id[0];
//next 2 char in id contain location
string loc = "";
loc = loc + id[1];
loc = loc + id[2];
// assign location to student
s.locCode = stoi(loc); // convert string to integer
//next 6 char in id contain seqcode
string seq = "";
for (int j = 3; j < 9; j++)
seq = seq + id[j];
// assign seqcode to student
s.seqCode = stoi(seq); //convert string to int
//next 3 char in id contains age
string age = "";
age = age + id[9];
age = age + id[10];
age = age + id[11];
//assign age to student
s.age = stoi(age); // convert string to int
//remainig latters in id contains next student's first name
// delete id of previous student to get name of next student
fname = id.erase(0, 12); // delete first 12 char from id and assign remaining to fname
// add student to student
// clear the vector as done working with words
//sort vector according to age of students
sort(students.begin(), students.end(), sort_by_age());
// formating output
cout << setw(15) << left << "Last Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "Midlle Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "First Name";
cout << setw(15) << left << "College Code";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Location";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Sequence";
cout << setw(12) << left << "Age" << endl;
cout << "=======================================================================================" << endl;
// print all students
for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++)
cout << setw(15) << left <<;
cout << setw(15) << left <<;
cout << setw(20) << left <<;
cout << setw(13) << left <<;
cout << setw(10) << left <<;
cout << setw(12) << left <<;
cout << << endl;
//print average age
cout << endl;
//CHANGE vector to Student array
Student *stud_arr[MAX_SIZE] = {NULL};
for(int i=0; i<students.size(); i++)
stud_arr[i] = &students[i];
//CHANGE adding yougest student vector
Student *youngest = NULL;
int avg_age = ageCalc(stud_arr, youngest);
cout << "Average age is: " << avg_age << endl;
cout << "Youngest student is " << youngest->firstName << " " << youngest->middleName << " " << youngest->lastName << endl;
// delete[] stud_arr;
return 0;
int ageCalc(Student *studs[], Student *&youngest)
youngest = studs[0];
int i = 0;
int avg_age = 0;
while (studs[i] != NULL)
avg_age += studs[i]->age;
if (youngest->age > studs[i]->age)
youngest = studs[i];
return avg_age / i;