- According to the first -best policy instrument to mitigate
climate change in the energy industry it relates with
respect to the effects of distortionary taxes on the carbon rate
structure acccording to this An emitter must pay this per-unit tax
or fee regardless of how much emission reduction is being
undertaken.8 Each emitter weighs the cost of emissions control
against the cost of emitting and paying the tax.
The performance of the subsidies for renewable energy compared
with the first -best policy is much better and efficient.
- In future ithe total energy usage is predicted to rise between
25% and 35% by 2040 due to increasing population and higher global
GDP. So the projections are that in the future, we will use more
energy, and a larger share of that energy will be from renewable
sources as compared to that of hydrocarbons.
- According to a report In 2017 in the United States, wind and
solar represented almost half of new electricity generation
- according to it $18.4 billion was spent on energy subsidies;
$11 billion of that went to renewable energy and $3 billion to
energy efficiency.
- Now giving subsidies for renewable energy sources will give an
better alternate and also help mitigate the climate changes in a
better manner.
- Also subsidies have subsidies have done is help bring down the
cost curve for wind and solar energy. Today we see dramatically
lower costs for both wind and solar. Hence subsidy in renewable
energy source is an important step .
If you get the answer according to the question please give a
thumbs up thankyou!!!