
In: Economics

Explain what micro market is and why it is integral for a company to succeed.

Explain what micro market is and why it is integral for a company to succeed.


Expert Solution

Micro Market

Micro market is one of the most important in terms of targeting the effective customers. Its marketing strategy in which advertising efforts are focused on a small group of highly targeted consumers. Micro marketing is defining the audience by a specific characteristic (ZIP code, job title, etc.). It's beyond the selling of goods and services, its ability to interact at a very personal level with the target audience.

Why Integral:

1. Targeted: In a micro-marketing company are drilling down into the demographic to select a specific segment of the population, based on ethnicity, location, sex, interests, and even favorite foods.

2. Cost: Compared to the other strategies it costs less due to the small targeted audience.

3. Word Of Mouth Benefit: As it serves in niche areas when people find something they love, they tell others about it, and it spreads. So early users help the company in growing further.

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