What do you think about the statement of “advertising is a part
of promotion, and advertising is the most important tool to reach
customers value and satisfaction if compared with other promotion
such as public relation( PR), discount, personal selling and etc.
Please explicit your group ideas
Consider any recent acquisition by Facebook. Why do you think
Facebook purchased the company? Suggest ways in which the app has
been monetized
2) With the emergence and now certaintly of online commerce,
are store fronts still relevant in retail? If so, what role(s) do
they play?
a. What do you think the business model of Facebook is? In what
type of market structure operates? Draw the relevant graph. b. How
does advertising affect the cost per unit? How does advertising
affect the mark-up? Justify your answers.
In regards to Facebook launching a new cryptocurrency called
Why do you think more than a dozen companies including Visa
Inc., Mastercard Inc., PayPal Holdings Inc. and Uber Technologies
Inc. have signed up to back the new cryptocurrency, and what are
the benefits and downsides of pegging the cryptocurrency to a
basket of government issued currencies?
each day, reflect on the advertising you see around
you. to what extent do you think that this advertising is making
use of (or failing to make use of) consumer research? do you think
that the advertising itself is violating some of the principles of
ethical research?
2. Discuss the role and importance of creativity in
advertising, Do you think advertising agencies often emphasize
creativity at the expense of developing ads that can help generate
sales for a product or service? What can clients do to avoid this
4. The chapter discusses how advertising agencies are
sometimes fired even though they create award-winning ads and
campaigns for their clients. Evaluate the decision by companies
such as AB InBev to dismiss their ad agency and hire a...
Company: Facebook
•What are the key challenges for this company now (in 2020)?
•Why do you think they are the key challenges?
•Please make sure you consider the pandemic and the challenges
it poses.
Why do you think aggression is a "typically American problem"?
What do you think Americans can do to reduce aggression in our
children? How would you handle an aggressive student?