In: Computer Science
**Need HTML and Javacript**
You will need to fork your JSFiddle for your List into a new Fiddle. In this Fiddle we are going to add sorting functions. This is a great time to clean up your list with things that you have learned. You should automatically populate the List with 20 element (random strings). Once you have completed this – you will add 2 sort functions, you can use any sort method that you desire for each of the sort functions. You can also delineate the functions by the name of the Sort function – so your functions might be QuickSort() and MergeSort() – if you chose to implement those 2 algorithms (you can select from any sort functions). The interface should have buttons to (1) Repopulate the list with Random strings , (2) Sort list with selected algorithm 1 (3) Sort list with selected algorithm 2 and (4) Insert a new random string entered by the user into the list. After each operation it should display the new list.
1). ANSWER :
HTML part:
<button id="bRandom">
Create Randomized String List
<button id="bIns">
Insertion Sort
<button id="bQuick">
Quick Sort
<button id="bnString">
Insert new string
<input type="text" id="newString" placeholder="Enter
<textarea id="listArea" cols = "50"
bQuick = document.getElementById("bQuick");
bIns = document.getElementById("bIns");
bRand = document.getElementById("bRandom");
bnString = document.getElementById("bnString");
newString = document.getElementById("newString");
//adding event listeners
bRand.addEventListener("click", createList);
bQuick.addEventListener("click", sortQuick);
bIns.addEventListener("click", sortIns);
bnString.addEventListener("click", insertNew);
//list storage
var list = [];
function createList(){
list = [];
//populating list
var str = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
function updateVisual(){
//update text area
var data="";
data += list[i] + "\n";
document.getElementById("listArea").value = data;
function sortQuick(){
function sortIns(){
function insertNew(){
function insertionSort(array)
for(var i = 1; i < array.length; ++i)
var item = array[i];
for(var j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if(array[j] <= item) break;
array[j + 1] = array[j];
array[j + 1] = item;
return array;
var Quick= (function() {
function swap(array, indexA, indexB) {
var temp = array[indexA];
array[indexA] = array[indexB];
array[indexB] = temp;
function partition(array, pivot, left, right) {
var storeIndex = left,
pivotValue = array[pivot];
swap(array, pivot, right);
for(var v = left; v < right; v++) {
if(array[v] < pivotValue) {
swap(array, v, storeIndex);
swap(array, right, storeIndex);
return storeIndex;
function sort(array, left, right) {
var pivot = null;
if(typeof left !== 'number') {
left = 0;
if(typeof right !== 'number') {
right = array.length - 1;
if(left < right) {
pivot = left + Math.ceil((right - left) * 0.5);
newPivot = partition(array, pivot, left, right);
sort(array, left, newPivot - 1);
sort(array, newPivot + 1, right);
return {
sort: sort