
In: Accounting

PROBLEM IV Derby Music Company specializes in producing and packaging compact discs (CDs) for the music...


Derby Music Company specializes in producing and packaging compact discs (CDs) for the music recording industry. Derby use a job order cost system. The following data summarize the operations related to production for March, the first month of operations:
a. Materials purchased on account. $15,500.
b. Materials requisitioned and labor used.
?Materials?Factory Labor
Job No. 100?$2,650?? $1,770
Job No. 101? 1,240?? 650
Job No. 102? 980?? 420
Job No. 103? 3,420?? 1,900
Job No. 104? 1,000?? 500
Job No. 105? 2,100?`?? 1,760
For general factory use? 450?? 650
c. Factory overhead costs incurred on account. $2,700
d. Depreciation of machinery. $1,750
e. Factory overhead is applied at a rate of 70% of direct labor cost.
f. Jobs completed: Nos. 100, 101, 102, 104
g. Jobs 100, 101, 102 were shipped and customers were billed for $8,100, $3,800 and $3,500 respectively.
1. Journalize the entries to record the transactions indentified above.
2. Determine the account balances for Work in Process and Finished Goods.
3. Prepare a schedule of unfinished jobs to support the balances in the work in process account
4. Prepare a schedule of completed jobs on hand to support the balance in the finished goods account.


Expert Solution

Solution 1:

Schedule of Unifinished Job, Jobs Completed on hand, jobs completed and sold
Particualrs Unifinished Jobs Job completed on hand Job completed and sold
Job No 103 Job No 105 Total Job No 104 Job No 100 Job No 101 Job No 102 Total
Direct material $3,420.00 $2,100.00 $5,520.00 $1,000.00 $2,650.00 $1,240.00 $980.00 $4,870.00
Direct labor $1,900.00 $1,760.00 $3,660.00 $500.00 $1,770.00 $650.00 $420.00 $2,840.00
Factory overhead applied (70% of DL Cost) $1,330.00 $1,232.00 $2,562.00 $350.00 $1,239.00 $455.00 $294.00 $1,988.00
Total $6,650.00 $5,092.00 $11,742.00 $1,850.00 $5,659.00 $2,345.00 $1,694.00 $9,698.00
Journal Entries
Event Particulars Debit Credit
a Raw material inventory Dr $15,500.00
             To Accounts payable $15,500.00
(To record purchase of material on account)
b-1 Work In Process Inventory Dr $11,390.00
Manufacturing overhead Dr $450.00
             To Raw material inventory $11,840.00
(To record issue of material to production)
b-2 Work In Process Inventory Dr $7,000.00
Manufacturing overhead Dr $650.00
             To Factory Wages $7,650.00
(Being factory wages charge to production)
c Manufacturing overhead Dr $2,700.00
             To Accounts payable $2,700.00
(To record factory overhead incurred)
d Manufacturing overhead Dr $1,750.00
             To Accumulated depreciation - Machinery $1,750.00
(To record depreciation on machine)
e Work In Process Inventory Dr ($7,000*70%) $4,900.00
             To Manufacturing overhead $4,900.00
(To record manufacturing overhead applied)
f Finished goods inventory Dr $11,548.00
             To Work In Process Inventory $11,548.00
(Being job completed transferred to finished goods inventory)
g-1 Accounts receivables Dr $15,400.00
             To Sales revenue $15,400.00
(To record jobs billed to customer)
g-2 Cost of goods sold Dr $9,698.00
             To Finished goods inventory $9,698.00
(To record cost of goods sold)

Solution 2:

Work In Process
Particulars Debit Particulars Credit
Direct material $11,390.00 Fininshed goods $11,548.00
Direct labor $7,000.00 Ending balance $11,742.00
Manufacturing overhead $4,900.00
Total $23,290.00 Total $23,290.00
Finished goods
Particulars Debit Particulars Credit
Work in Process inventory $11,548.00 Cost of goods sold $9,698.00
Ending balance $1,850.00
Total $11,548.00 Total $11,548.00

Solution 3:

Schedule of Unfinished Jobs
Particualrs Unifinished Jobs
Job No 103 Job No 105 Total
Direct material $3,420.00 $2,100.00 $5,520.00
Direct labor $1,900.00 $1,760.00 $3,660.00
Factory overhead applied (70% of DL Cost) $1,330.00 $1,232.00 $2,562.00
Total $6,650.00 $5,092.00 $11,742.00

Solution 4:

Schedule of Jobs Completed on hand
Particualrs Job completed on hand
Job No 104
Direct material $1,000.00
Direct labor $500.00
Factory overhead applied (70% of DL Cost) $350.00
Total $1,850.00

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