
In: Computer Science

modify code to write the output as an HTML table to a file in the output...

modify code to write the output as an HTML table to a file in the output directory.

The file that is saying to work at :


print "Enter principal amount: ";
print "Principal must be positive. Try again: ";
print "Enter number of times interest is applied in a year: ";
while($n!=12 && $n!=4 && $n!=2 && $n!=1)
print "It must be 12, 4, 2 or 1. Try again: ";
print "Enter the annual rate of interest: ";
while($r<=0 || $r>=25)
print "Rate of interest should be between 1 and 24. Try again: ";
print "Enter the number of years: ";
while($t<=0 || $t>=100)
print "Rate of interest should be between 1 and 99. Try again: ";
print "\nYear Period Starting Balance Interest Ending Balance\n";
for($i=1; $i<=$t; $i=$i+1)
for($j=1; $j<=$n; $j=$j+1)
print sprintf("%-4d %-6d \$%-15.2f \$%-7.2f \$%-13.2f\n",$i, $j, $P, $interest, $P+$interest);
print sprintf("Final Balance is \$%.2f\n", $P);


Expert Solution

print "Enter principal amount: ";
$P= <STDIN>;
print "Principal must be positive. Try again: ";
$P= <STDIN>;
print "Enter number of times interest is applied in a year: ";
$n= <STDIN>;
while($n!=12 && $n!=4 && $n!=2 && $n!=1)
print "It must be 12, 4, 2 or 1. Try again: ";
$n= <STDIN>;
print "Enter the annual rate of interest: ";
$r= <STDIN>;
while($r<=0 || $r>=25)
print "Rate of interest should be between 1 and 24. Try again: ";
$r= <STDIN>;
print "Enter the number of years: ";
$t= <STDIN>;
while($t<=0 || $t>=100)
print "Rate of interest should be between 1 and 99. Try again: ";
$t= <STDIN>;
print "\nYear Period Starting Balance Interest Ending Balance\n";

#open the file for output named output table.html
open(outFile, '>', "output table.html") or die $!;

#this is the table headers
$toWrite="<table border=\"1\">
    <th>Starting Balance</th>
    <th>Ending Balance</th>

#this command writes the content from $toWrite to the output file
print outFile $toWrite;

for($i=1; $i<=$t; $i=$i+1)
for($j=1; $j<=$n; $j=$j+1)
print sprintf("%-4d %-6d \$%-15.2f \$%-7.2f \$%-13.2f\n",$i, $j, $P, $interest, $P+$interest);

#generate the table row data and save it to variable toWrite
$toWrite = sprintf("<tr><td>%-4d</td><td> %-6d </td> <td>\$%-15.2f</td> <td>\$%-7.2f</td> <td>\$%-13.2f</td></tr>\n",$i, $j, $P, $interest, $P+$interest);
print outFile $toWrite; #write table row to the output file
print outFile "</table>"; #ending html table tag

print sprintf("Final Balance is \$%.2f\n", $P);

I have modified the code so it will write a html table as output table.html to the same directory.

I have given the explanation in the code as comment.

Heres a result/output of a test run

After running the code the written html table file (output table.html) contains

<table border="1">
    <th>Starting Balance</th>
    <th>Ending Balance</th>
<tr><td>1   </td><td> 1      </td> <td>$5000.00        </td> <td>$125.00 </td> <td>$5125.00      </td></tr>
<tr><td>1   </td><td> 2      </td> <td>$5125.00        </td> <td>$128.12 </td> <td>$5253.12      </td></tr>
<tr><td>2   </td><td> 1      </td> <td>$5253.12        </td> <td>$131.33 </td> <td>$5384.45      </td></tr>
<tr><td>2   </td><td> 2      </td> <td>$5384.45        </td> <td>$134.61 </td> <td>$5519.06      </td></tr>
<tr><td>3   </td><td> 1      </td> <td>$5519.06        </td> <td>$137.98 </td> <td>$5657.04      </td></tr>
<tr><td>3   </td><td> 2      </td> <td>$5657.04        </td> <td>$141.43 </td> <td>$5798.47      </td></tr>
<tr><td>4   </td><td> 1      </td> <td>$5798.47        </td> <td>$144.96 </td> <td>$5943.43      </td></tr>
<tr><td>4   </td><td> 2      </td> <td>$5943.43        </td> <td>$148.59 </td> <td>$6092.01      </td></tr>
<tr><td>5   </td><td> 1      </td> <td>$6092.01        </td> <td>$152.30 </td> <td>$6244.31      </td></tr>
<tr><td>5   </td><td> 2      </td> <td>$6244.31        </td> <td>$156.11 </td> <td>$6400.42      </td></tr>

which if you open it in browser looks like

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