
In: Statistics and Probability

Find a recent journal article (peer reviewed scientific publication) in a field of interest to you...

Find a recent journal article (peer reviewed scientific publication) in a field of interest to you which contains references to p-values. I will help you find an article if you want, tell me what you’re interested in.
How large is the p-value? Do you think the results of this study are strong? How might they be stronger? Is there anything the authors should have included?

help me please


Expert Solution

p-values are used to reject or accept the null hypothesis based on 2 factors:

1. Confidence interval we have choosen

2. Whether it is a two tailed or single tail test

Example to demonstrate the same:

Confidence interval is 90%

Ho : There is no strong relationship between A and B

H1: There is strong relationship between A and B

Clearly the above Hypothesis test is based on two tailed test.

So the null hypothesis will be rejected only if the calculated test statistic p-value is greater than 5% (since it is a two tailed test).

This is the basic understanding of accepting/rejecting null hypothesis.

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