
In: Statistics and Probability

Fit a multiple linear regression model of the form y=β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2...

  1. Fit a multiple linear regression model of the form y=β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + β3 x3 + ε. Here, ε is the random error term that is assumed to be normally distributed with 0 mean and constant variance. State the estimated regression function. How are the estimates of the three regression coefficients interpreted here? Provide your output, and interpretations in a worksheet titled “Regression Output.”
  2. Obtain the residuals and prepare a box-plot of the residuals. What information does this plot provide? Provide your output, and interpretations in a worksheet titled “Box Plots Residuals.”
  3. Plot the residuals against the predicted value of y, x1, x2, and x3. Also prepare a normal probability plot. Interpret the plots and summarize your findings. Provide your output, and interpretations in a worksheet titled “Residuals Plots”
  4. Calculate the Variance Inflation Factors for the model. Comment on the findings with respect to the multicollinearity assumption. Provide your output, and interpretations in a worksheet titled “Multicollinearity.”
y x1 x2 x3
48 50 51 2.3
57 36 46 2.3
66 40 48 2.2
70 41 44 1.8
89 28 43 1.8
36 49 54 2.9
46 42 50 2.2
54 45 48 2.4
26 52 62 2.9
77 29 50 2.1
89 29 48 2.4
67 43 53 2.4
47 38 55 2.2
51 34 51 2.3
57 53 54 2.2
66 36 49 2
79 33 56 2.5
88 29 46 1.9
60 33 49 2.1
49 55 51 2.4
77 29 52 2.3
52 44 58 2.9
60 43 50 2.3
86 23 41 1.8
43 47 53 2.5
34 55 54 2.5
63 25 49 2
72 32 46 2.6
57 32 52 2.4
55 42 51 2.7
59 33 42 2
83 36 49 1.8
76 31 47 2
47 40 48 2.2
36 53 57 2.8
80 34 49 2.2
82 29 48 2.5
64 30 51 2.4
37 47 60 2.4
42 47 50 2.6
66 43 53 2.3
83 22 51 2
37 44 51 2.6
68 45 51 2.2
59 37 53 2.1
92 28 46 1.8


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