In: Computer Science
language: python
A local biologist needs a program to predict population growth. The inputs would be:
For example, one might start with a population of 500 organisms, a growth rate of 2, and a growth period to achieve this rate of 6 hours. Assuming that none of the organisms die, this would imply that this population would double in size every 6 hours. Thus, after allowing 6 hours for growth, we would have 1000 organisms, and after 12 hours, we would have 2000 organisms.
Write a program that takes these inputs and displays a prediction of the total population.
An example of the program input and output is shown below:
Enter the initial number of organisms: 10 Enter the rate of growth [a real number > 1]: 2 Enter the number of hours to achieve the rate of growth: 2 Enter the total hours of growth: 6 The total population is 80
also make sure it test for these cases
Test Case 1
Test for 100 organisms with growth rate of 5 over 2 hrs over 25 hrs total
Test Case 2
Test for 10 organisms with growth rate of 2 over 2 hrs over 6 hrs total
Test Case 3
Test for 0 organisms with growth rate of 5 over 1 hr over 6 hrs total
Test Case 4
Test for 7 organisms with growth rate of 7 over 7 hrs over 7 hrs total
raw_code :
#taking inputs
initial = int(input('Enter the initial number of organisms :
rate = float(input('Enter the rate of growth[a real number >1]
hours = int(input('Enter the number of hours to achieve the rate of
growth :'))
total = int(input('Enter the total hours of growth :'))
population = initial
#calculating population growth
for i in range(hours,total+1,hours):
population *= rate
#prinint output
print('The total population is ',population)
**do comment for queries and rate me up*****