In: Accounting
Should the sec/PCAOB provide a complete list of non-audit services that independent auditor are prohibited from providing to their public company audit clients? defend your answer
The audit committee should consider whether a relationship with or service provided by an auditor:
(a) creates a mutual or conflicting interest with their audit
(b) places them in the position of auditing their own work;
(c) results in their acting as management or an employee of the
audit client; or
(d) places them in a position of being an advocate for the audit
The Commission rules also address specific auditor independence issues, some of which are:
Specific Prohibited Non-audit Services
The auditor is prohibited from providing the following non-audit services to an audit client including its affiliates:
In addition to the specific prohibited services, audit committees should consider whether any service provided by the audit firm may impair the firm's independence in fact or appearance.
Pre-approval of Permitted Services
Subject to certain limited exceptions, the audit committee must pre-approve all permitted services provided by the independent auditor (i.e., tax services, comfort letters, statutory audits or other). The Commission rules include certain pre-approval requirements that the audit committee must follow. In addition, the audit committee should be informed about the services expected to be provided by the audit firm to understand whether the audit firm's independence will be impaired.
The audit committee should consider whether company policies and procedures require that all audit and non-audit services are brought before the committee for pre-approval.
Also, listing company standards require audit committees to pre-approve all audit, review and attest services regardless of whether the firm performing the services is the company's principal auditor.
Prohibited Relationships
Certain relationships between audit firms and the companies they audit are not permitted. These include:
Communications Between the Audit Committee and the Independent Auditor
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 requires that the auditor disclose to the audit committee in writing all relationships between the audit firm and the company that may reasonably be thought to bear on the audit firm's independence. Standard No. 1 also requires the auditor to confirm and discuss its independence with the audit committee. The audit committee should consider discussing the following issues with the auditor in regards to the firm's independence disclosure: