
In: Accounting

Required information Problem 7-1A Special journals, subsidiary ledgers, trial balance-perpetual LO C3, P1, P2 Skip to...

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Problem 7-1A Special journals, subsidiary ledgers, trial balance-perpetual LO C3, P1, P2

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[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Church Company completes these transactions and events during March of the current year (terms for all its credit sales are 2/10, n/30).

Mar. 1   Purchased $36,000 of merchandise from Van Industries, invoice dated March 1, terms 2/15, n/30.

  2   Sold merchandise on credit to Min Cho, Invoice No. 854, for $14,400 (cost is $7,200).

  3 (a) Purchased $1,080 of office supplies on credit from Gabel Company, invoice dated March 3, terms n/10 EOM.

  3 (b) Sold merchandise on credit to Linda Witt, Invoice No. 855, for $7,200 (cost is $3,600).

  6   Borrowed $72,000 cash from Federal Bank by signing a long-term note payable.

  9   Purchased $18,000 of office equipment on credit from Spell Supply, invoice dated March 9, terms n/10 EOM.

  10   Sold merchandise on credit to Jovita Albany, Invoice No. 856, for $3,600 (cost is $1,800).

  12   Received payment from Min Cho for the March 2 sale less the discount.

  13 (a) Sent Van Industries Check No. 416 in payment of the March 1 invoice less the discount.

  13 (b) Received payment from Linda Witt for the March 3 sale less the discount.

  14   Purchased $29,000 of merchandise from the CD Company, invoice dated March 13, terms 2/10, n/30.

  15 (a) Issued Check No. 417, payable to Payroll, in payment of sales salaries expense for the first half of the month, $13,000. Cashed the check and paid the employees.

  15 (b) Cash sales for the first half of the month are $57,600 (cost is $46,080). (Cash sales are recorded daily, but are recorded only twice here to reduce repetitive entries.)

  16   Purchased $1,600 of store supplies on credit from Gabel Company, invoice dated March 16, terms n/10 EOM.

  17   Received a $2,900 credit memorandum from CD Company for the return of unsatisfactory merchandise purchased on March 14.

  19   Received a $540 credit memorandum from Spell Supply for office equipment received on March 9 and returned for credit.

  20   Received payment from Jovita Albany for the sale of March 10 less the discount.

  23   Issued Check No. 418 to CD Company in payment of the invoice of March 13 less the March 17 return and the discount.

  27   Sold merchandise on credit to Jovita Albany, Invoice No. 857, for $10,800 (cost is $4,320).

  28   Sold merchandise on credit to Linda Witt, Invoice No. 858, for $4,320 (cost is $1,728).

  31 (a) Issued Check No. 419, payable to Payroll, in payment of sales salaries expense for the last half of the month, $13,000. Cashed the check and paid the employees.

  31 (b) Cash sales for the last half of the month are $63,360 (cost is $38,016).

  31 (c) Verify that amounts impacting customer and creditor accounts were posted and that any amounts that should have been posted as individual amounts to the general ledger accounts were posted. Foot and crossfoot the journals and make the month-end postings.

Assume the following ledger account amounts Inventory (March 1 beg. bal. is $63,000), Z. Church, Capital (March 1 beg. bal. is $63,000) and Church Company uses the perpetual inventory system.

Problem 7-1A Part 2

2-d. Enter the transactions in a cash disbursements journal.

Date Ck.No. Payee Account Debited Cash Cr. Inventory Cr. Other Accounts Dr. Accounts Payable Dr.
Mar. 13 416 Van Industries Van Industries $35,280 $720 $36,000
Mar. 15 417 Payroll Sales salaries expense 13,000 13,000
Mar. 23 418 CD Company CD Company 26,100
Mar. 31 419 Payroll Sales salaries expense 13,000 13,000
Mar. 31 Totals $61,280 $720 $26,000 $62,100


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Journal entries
(Amount $)
Debit Credit
mar 1st Inventory a/c Dr 36,000.00
To Accounts payable a/c 36,000.00
(Being merchandise purchased from Van Industries, inv dt march 1st, term 2/15, n/30 accounted)
2-Mar Accounts receivable a/c Dr 14,400.00
To sales a/c 14,400.00
(Being merchandise sold to min cho, inv 854 accounted)
2-Mar Cost of goods sold A/c Dr     7,200.00
To Inventory a/c     7,200.00
(Being sale related cost transferred to cogs)
3rd march office supplies a/c Dr     1,080.00
To Accounts payable a/c     1,080.00
(Being office supplies purchased on credit accounted
3rd march Accounts receivable a/c Dr     7,200.00
To sales a/c     7,200.00
(Being merchandise sold to linda watt, inv 855 accounted)
3rd march Cost of goods sold A/c Dr     3,600.00
To Inventory a/c     3,600.00
(Being sale related cost transferred to cogs)
6th marc Cash A/c Dr 72,000.00
To notes payable a/c 72,000.00
(Being cash borrowed towards notes payable)
9th mar office equipment a/c Dr 18,000.00
To Accounts payable a/c 18,000.00
(Being office equipment purchased on credit accounted)
10th mar Accounts receivable a/c Dr     3,600.00
To sales a/c     3,600.00
(Being merchandise sold to jovita, inv 856 accounted)
10th mar Cost of goods sold A/c Dr     1,800.00
To Inventory a/c     1,800.00
(Being sale related cost transferred to cogs)
12th mar Cash A/c Dr 14,112.00
Discount given a/c Dr        288.00
To Accounts receivable a/c 14,400.00
(Being amount received from Min cho after the discount of 2%)
13th march Acounts payable a/c Dr 36,000.00
To Bank a/c 35,280.00
To discount received a/c        720.00
(Being amount paid to Van industries vide a check 416 and received the discount of 2%)
13th march Cash A/c Dr     7,056.00
Discount given a/c Dr        144.00
To Accounts receivable a/c     7,200.00
(Being amount received from Linda witt after the discount of 2%)
14th mar Inventory a/c Dr 29,000.00
To Accounts payable a/c 29,000.00
(Being merchandise purchased from Cd company, inv dt march 13, term 2/10, n/30 accounted)
15th march Cash A/c Dr 13,000.00
To bank A/c 13,000.00
(Being che. 417 encashed and paid to sales salaries)
15th march Sales salaries a/c Dr 13,000.00
To cash a/c 13,000.00
(Being salaries paid through cash)
15th march Cash A/c Dr 57,600.00
To sales a/c 57,600.00
(Being cash sales recorded)
15th march Cost of goods sold a/c Dr 46,080.00
To Inventory a/c 46,080.00
(Being sale related cost transferred to income statement)
16th march Store supplies a/c Dr     1,600.00
To Accounts payable a/c     1,600.00
(Being store supplies purchased on credit accounted)
17th mar Accounts payable a/c Dr     2,900.00
To Inventory a/c     2,900.00
(Being credit note received from the party for the return of goods)
19th mar Accounts payable a/c Dr        540.00
To office equipment a/c        540.00
(Being office equipment returned accounted)
20th mar Cash A/c Dr     3,528.00
Discount received a/c Dr          72.00
To accounts receivable a/c     3,600.00
(Being payment received for the sale net of discount of 2%)
23rd march Acccounts payable a/c Dr 26,100.00
To discount a/c        522.00
To bank a/c 25,578.00
(Being Check no 418 issued against payment net of return of 2900 and a discount of 522 on 26,100(29000-2900) accounted)
27th mar Accounts receivable a/c Dr 10,800.00
To sales a/c 10,800.00
(Being merchandise sold to jovita, inv 857 accounted)
27th mar Cost of goods sold a/c Dr     4,320.00    
To inventorya/c     4,320.00
(Being sale related cost is transferred to profit and loss account)
28th mar Accounts receivable a/c Dr     4,320.00
To sales a/c     4,320.00
(Being merchandise sold to linda witt, inv 858 accounted)
28th mar Cost of goods sold a/c Dr     1,728.00
To inventorya/c     1,728.00
(Being sale related cost is transferred to profit and loss account)
31st mar Cash A/c Dr 13,000.00
To bank A/c 13,000.00
(Being che. 419 encashed and paid to sales salaries)
31st mar Sales salaries a/c Dr 13,000.00
To cash a/c 13,000.00
(Being salaries paid through cash)
31st mar Cash A/c Dr 63,360.00
To sales a/c 63,360.00
(Being cash sales recorded)
31st mar Cost of goods sold a/c Dr 38,016.00
To Inventory a/c 38,016.00
(Being sale related cost transferred to income statement)


Inventory a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
Beginning balance     63,000.00 2-Mar By Cost of goods sold       7,200.00
mar 1st To accounts payable a/c     36,000.00 3rd march By Cost of goods sold       3,600.00
14th mar To accounts payable a/c     29,000.00 10th mar By Cost of goods sold       1,800.00
15th march By Cost of goods sold     46,080.00
17th mar By Accounts payable       2,900.00
31st mar By Cost of goods sold     38,016.00
27th mar By Cost of goods sold       4,320.00
28th mar By Cost of goods sold       1,728.00
By bal c/d     22,356.00
128,000.00 128,000.00
Acccounts payable a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
23rd march To cash a/c     26,100.00 mar 1st By inventory a/c     36,000.00
17th mar To Inventory a/c       2,900.00 3rd march By office supplies a/c       1,080.00
19th mar To office equipment a/c          540.00 9th mar By office equipment a/c     18,000.00
13th march To Cash a/c     36,000.00 14th mar By inventory a/c     29,000.00
31st march To Bal c/d     20,140.00 16th march By store supplies a/c       1,600.00
    85,680.00     85,680.00
Accounts receivable a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
2-Mar To Sales a/c     14,400.00 12th mar By cash a/c     14,400.00
3rd march To sales a/c       7,200.00 13th march By cash a/c       7,200.00
10th mar To sales a/c       3,600.00 20th mar By cash a/c       3,600.00
27th mar To sales a/c     10,800.00 31st mar By bal c/d     15,120.00
28th mar To sales a/c       4,320.00
    40,320.00     40,320.00
Sales A/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
10th mar By Accounts receivable a/c       3,600.00
2-Mar By Accounts receivable a/c     14,400.00
3rd march By Accounts receivable a/c       7,200.00
15th march To cash a/c     57,600.00
27th mar By Accounts receivable a/c     10,800.00
28th mar By Accounts receivable a/c       4,320.00
To Profit and loss A/c 161,280.00 31st mar By cash a/c     63,360.00
161,280.00 161,280.00
Cash A/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
6th marc To notes payable a/c     72,000.00 31st mar By sales salaries a/c     13,000.00
12th mar To accounts receivable a/c     14,112.00 15th march By sales salaries a/c     13,000.00
13th march To accounts receivable a/c       7,056.00
15th march To bank a/c     13,000.00
15th march To sales a/c     57,600.00
20th mar To accounts receivable a/c       3,528.00
31st mar To bank a/c     13,000.00
31st mar To sales a/c     63,360.00
31st mar By bal c/d 217,656.00
243,656.00 243,656.00
Cost of goods sold a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
2-Mar To Inventory a/c       7,200.00
3rd march To Inventory a/c       3,600.00
10th mar To Inventory a/c       1,800.00
15th march To Inventory a/c     46,080.00
27th mar To Inventory a/c       4,320.00    
28th mar To Inventory a/c       1,728.00
31st mar To Inventory a/c     38,016.00 31st mar By Profit and loss a/c 102,744.00
102,744.00 102,744.00
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
12th mar To accounts receivable          288.00 23rd march By Accounts payable a/c          522.00
13th march To accounts receivable          144.00 13th march By Accounts payable a/c          720.00
20th mar To accounts receivable             72.00
31st mar To Profit and loss a/c          738.00
      1,242.00       1,242.00
office equipment a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
9th mar To Accounts payable a/c     18,000.00 19th mar By Accounts payable a/c          540.00
31st mar By bal c/d     17,460.00
    18,000.00     18,000.00
notes payable a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
31st mar To bal c/d     72,000.00 6th marc By Cash a/c     72,000.00
office supplies a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
3rd march To Accounts payable a/c       1,080.00 31st mar By bal c/d       1,080.00
Sales salaries a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
15th march To Cash a/c     13,000.00
31st mar To Cash a/c     13,000.00 31st mar by Profit and loss a/c     26,000.00
    26,000.00     26,000.00
Store supplies a/c Dr
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
16th march To Accounts payable a/c       1,600.00 31st mar By bal c/d       1,600.00
Bank a/c
(Amount in $)
Date Account Debit Date Account Credit
13th march By accounts payable     35,280.00
15th march By cash a/c     13,000.00
23rd march By accounts payable     25,578.00
31st mar To bal c/d     86,858.00 31st mar By cash a/c     13,000.00
    86,858.00     86,858.00

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