sorbent trap sampling and canister sampling are the methods for
sampling the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in ambient air for
analysis. The representative sample of pollutant is then typically
analyzed by Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry. The choice of
air sampling method depends on the volatility and polarity range of
the VOCs of interest. Following are the advantage and disadvantages
of sorbent trap sampling and canister sampling.
Canister Sampling
- Canisters are easy for cleanup
- Multiple analysis possible with canister sampling
- canisters have good storage stability
- No breakthrough of target compounds with canister sampling
- No electrical power needed for filling canister
- No thermal desorption needed for canister
- Canisters are rugged and safe to use
- Canisters have significant initial cost
- canisters are bulky compared to sorbent tubes
- Canisters can work with limited sample volume compared to
- Canister sampling is generally not applicable to polar VOCs as
they get adsorbed over canister wallls
- Canisters are susceptible to contamination from sampler
- No initial discrimination against water vapor can be achieved
in canister sampling.
Sorbent trap sampling
- Sorbent tubes also provide greater sample stability as polar
compounds are prone to adsorption onto the canister walls
- Sorbent tubes are easy to transport,
- Sorbent tubes are compatible with a wider range of compounds,
and are inherently compatible with a much wider range of air sample
volumes. They are also compatible with analytes over a much wider
polarity and volatility range.
- The process of thermal desorption of sorbent tubes cleans the
tube automatically
- Sorbent tubes have relatively low cost to buy, transport and
- Suitable for diffusive and pumped sampling
- Sorbent trap sampling is the simplest way of collecting time
weighted average (TWA) samples as required by many clean air and
industrial hygiene regulation
- The sorption and desorption efficiencies may not be 100% and
that the background impurities in the sorbent tubes may limit
detection in samples containing low concentrations
- Sorbent sampling has Breakthrough issues
- sorbent sampling faces spike recovery issues
- Relative deviation is observed in sorbent trap sampling