Assume that Macro lakes is at the Steady State. Using the
illustration of the Solow Growth...
Assume that Macro lakes is at the Steady State. Using the
illustration of the Solow Growth Model, explain what happens to the
Steady State values if foreign workers immigrate to Macro lakes.
Fully label your figure
Solow growth model: steady state. What does it mean for the
economy to be in the steady state? How is the steady state
determined? How does steady-state output per person depend upon the
investment and depreciation rates? Explain why an increase in the
investment rate raises steady-state y. What are the effects of a
rise in TFP or a fall in the rate of depreciation on steady-state
Consider an economy at the steady state according to the Solow
Growth Model with a per capita production function where
n=0.04, d=0.08, and s=0.3. Suppose a change in the age profile of
the population leads to a reduction of the savings rate to s=0.28.
As a result,
consumption initially falls and continues to decline until
reaching the new steady state.
consumption initially rises and continues to increase until
reaching the new steady state. that is above the original.
consumption initially rises...
According to the Solow model of growth, growth, in the long run
(the steady-state), determine only by growth in technology.
However, in the Solow model, there is nothing about how technology
1. What factors do you think might affect technology in the long
2. Justify your answer and explain the implications to the
growth in the long run.
come up with a solow growth model steady state equation for an
economy where there is population growth and also a lump-sum tax
which is put onto all individuals
In the basic Solow model, an economy in a steady state has an
economic growth rate equal to
a. The depreciation rate b. The savings rate c. The marginal
product of capital d. Zero
2. Long time lags in the implementation of monetary policy a.
Reduce the ability of the Fed to manage the economy b. Enhance the
ability of the Fed to manage the economy c. Reduce the monetary
base d. Increase the monetary base
3. An important principle...
The Solow growth model
Suppose an economy was in steady state with population growing
at 2% yearly, and suddenly its population growth rate doubles to 4%
yearly. What happens to this economy in the short and long run?
Illustrate with a diagram.
Beginning from a steady state in the Solow growth model,
explain how an increase in the savings rate will affect the levels
and growth rates of capital and output per worker?
1. Consider a Solow economy that is on its balanced growth path
(at the steady state.) Assume for simplicity that there is no
technological progress. Now suppose that the rate of savings
increases. a. What happens to the balanced-growth-path values of
capital per worker, output per worker, and consumption per worker?
Sketch the paths of these variables over time as the economy moves
to its new balanced growth path. b. Describe the effect of the
increase in savings rate on...
In the Solow growth model, the steady state value of capital per
worker will surely increase if:
a. The saving rate decreases and population growth increases
b. The saving rate increases and population growth decreases
c. The saving rate decreases and population growth decreases
d. The saving rate increases and population growth increases
. Suppose we started out at the steady state capital stock in
the basic Solow growth model. If the government increased the
budget deficit (ceteris paribus) with no effect on the demand for
loanable funds from private businesses, then we would expect to see
what effects on
a. the nation’s capital stock as we move from the original
steady state to the new one (and output per worker, y).