
In: Operations Management

Write an agricultural project business proposal/plan, about a poultry farming (Chicken) project that you are about...

Write an agricultural project business proposal/plan, about a poultry farming (Chicken) project that you are about to start.

The proposal/plan must be formal, well-formatted and well-articulated.


Expert Solution

Poultry Farming: Poultry farming is a farming in which chickens are breeded for egg production and further for the meat production in a particular place. Ususally, chicken farms are located on country side or outside of cities or in villages. Poultry farming is necessary for meeting the demand of egg and meat supply in the market.

For starting a poultry farm we will have a well formatted business plan:

1.Research and Plan your poultry business: For every business planning is the most important thing icase of poultry farming it is very necessary to plan the business. Firtsly, market research is needed to understand whether this business is profitable or not, this will help to understand it is profitable to invest in this business or not. for this process write down the steps

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • leading
  • Controlling

Set your objectives which can be attained withing an year. Prepare some name and tagline which can create a brand of your poultry farming.

2. Type of Poultry farming: Setting type of poultry farming means deciding among chicken rearing, egg hatching, meat production, poultry framing tools manufacturing, or procesing and packing of meat. Among all this options deciding what will be the main market for your poultry farming. This is the most crucial task as it will help to be focused on type product you will be selling.

3. Setting the budget: The investment plan is necessary as it will decide the amount of chichken you will be hatching in the poultry farm. Setting the budget will include all the expenses like hiring technical advisors, office expenses like stationaries & paper works, brand development, advertising & promotion, insurance coverage, cage structure etc. Keeping all this in mind so setting th budget is must.

4. Suitable location: Finding the best suitable location for setting the poultry farm is vital. Requirements of location:

  • Availability of cheap land
  • Nearby cities or towns but not in any residential areas
  • Water availability
  • 24X7 electricity supply
  • Transportation facility
  • Proper communication facility
  • Suitable weather conditions

The above mentioned requirements should satisfy while finding a suitable location for opening a poultry farm.

5.Type of bird housing: The type of bird housing is necessary to decide to see how to keeps the bird for rearing and hatching. This will be decided based on the budget as all system has their own expenses.

  • Extensive system
  • Semi extensive system
  • Intensive system
    • Cage system : Having a battery shaped cage with fencing all around where proper supply of water and food is present.
    • Deep litter: It is an open space where a type of material(saw dust) is placed in the floor which is changed daily. Here, the chicken roam around freely and food is provided to them.

If adopting cage system, also decide the type of cage-shape, size & depth of the cage.

6. Farm equipments: Farm equipemts are essential for proper functioning of the farm, for that you need to make a list of farm equipments

  • Incubators
  • Electrical heaters
  • Cooler facility during summers
  • Water softners
  • Crates
  • Nests
  • Feeding trays
  • Egg trays

7. Feeding: Deciding what kind of food is to being fed, then the amount on regular basis which should be available daily. Here, calculatng the cost on monthly basis or batch basis to understand how much is spend in feeding the birds. The food can be outsourced from market or can be fed farm produced. Even noting of the time the birds are to ne fed.

8. Litter management: The litter management is a big issue a sit may create a foul smell in nearby areas so dumping the litter in a proper way is necessary. Rice husk or saw dust can be put in the floor for some cms to collect the litter. This will be easy to dump.

9. Vaccination: vaccination is important to keep the birds away from infections, disease and flus. It is necessary to take care of birds in a proper manner. Vets are to be hired to keep the proper check on weekly basis.

10. Keeping of staff: Focusing on quantity of manpower required to maintain the farm shift wise. The manpower needs all level of employees to keep it funcional in a proper manner. Even technological experts are also required and some staffs are required who stays 24x7 in the farm itself.

11. Marketing: Marketing is required to establish a brand name for the company. Marketing mix can be focued for this

  • Product: The type of product you are selling whether it is boiler chicken, eggs or meat etc. Focus on the product to obtain a customer base in the market.
  • Price: keeping a reasonable price of the product by observing competitors price in the market.
  • Place: Find out a suitable market to sell your product
  • Promotion: the most important is making people aware about your brand and the type of product you're selling by advertisments through pamplets and flyers etc.

12. Checking feasibility: Checking feasibility of the plan is necessary to find out whether it will be successful or not.

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