
In: Statistics and Probability

Maintence (Diesel Engine) Maintence (Gas Eng) 503 514 380 466 432 359 329 427 503 474...

Maintence (Diesel Engine)

Maintence (Gas Eng)
503 514
380 466
432 359
329 427
503 474
505 382
546 474
561 558
357 497
329 459
489 355
455 436
503 514
380 406
432 474
478 382
471 422
444 474
493 558
452 360
461 460
496 423
469 477
433 453
561 444
357 457
329 461
525 455
374 462
389 470


(1) Using the informatin above, Carry out a “t-test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances” in Excel (with ? = 0.05) that tests whether there is a difference in mean maintenance costs between buses with Diesel engines and those with gasoline engines. Show all the steps.

(2) Based on the t-test, what is your decision (“reject” or “do not reject”) regarding the null hypothesis that the two population means are equal to each other? Indicate on which part of the Excel output you base your decision.

(3) Explain what the decision in part (b), i.e., “rejecting H0” or “not rejecting H0” means in this context at a level that can be understood by a high school senior.




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Steps in Excel :

1. Enter the data, then go ot Data and select Data analysis from there.

2. Now select "t-test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances".

3. Enter the input range for both the variables and set alpha =0.05.

4. Set Hypothesized Mean Difference = 0 and click OK.

Output will be generated as :

Null hypothesis Ho : There is no difference in mean maintenance costs between buses with Diesel engines and those with gasoline engines.

Alternative hypothesis H1 : There is a difference in mean maintenance costs between buses with Diesel engines and those with gasoline engines.

Decision criteria : If P-value < alpha( level of significance) we reject Ho.

(2) In the excel output we consider the value P(T<=t) = 0.837953 on which we base our decision.

Now since P-value = .837953 > 0.05 (level of significance) we do not reject Ho and conclude that There is no difference in mean maintenance costs between buses with Diesel engines and those with gasoline engines.

(3) Decision in the part (2) was to not reject Ho and conclude in context at a level that can be understood by a high school senior that There is no difference in mean maintenance costs between buses with Diesel engines and those with gasoline engines.

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