
In: Psychology

We are gong to have a respectful and robust debate on the Second Amendment and Gun...

We are gong to have a respectful and robust debate on the Second Amendment and Gun Control. Discuss the controversy surrounding gun ownership, gun control legislation, and registration laws? Do you think gun control laws can effectively reduce violent crime?


Expert Solution

  • Each day, on an average, 13 children under the age of 19 are killed by gunfire and more are injured. Homicide is the second leading cause of death for youths 10–19 years old.
  • On one side, some gun?control advocates would like to see the government clamp down on gun manufacturers, sellers, and owners to the point that no citizens can carry guns. In general, the gun?control community wants to limit the availability of guns (which is a supply?reduction strategy).
  • On the other side, the National Rifle Association (NRA) claims that the Second Amendment guarantees each citizen an absolute right to “bear arms.” Consequently, the NRA fights all attempts to regulate the manufacture, distribution, and sale of guns. In general, the NRA and its allies favor tough sentences for criminals who use guns (which is a demand?reduction strategy).
  • Gun control does reduce crime-
  • More handguns in circulation equals more violent crime.
  • Owning a handgun increases a person's risk of being killed.
  • Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals prevents violent crime.
  • Taking guns away from criminals reduces violent crime.
  • But,on the flip side,some believe that gun control doesnt reduce violent crime-
  • Gun?control laws are unconstitutional because they violate the Second Amendment “right of the people to keep and bear arms.”
  • An alternative to gun control mandatory sentences for persons who commit crimes with firearms will produce greater reductions in crime and require less sacrifice on the part of gun owners than gun?control laws.
  • Thus far, handgun bans have failed to have any significant impact on murder rates because of the large number of handguns in circulation prior to the bans.
  • Attempts to outlaw the manufacture and importation of handguns have failed because they stimulate the genesis of a black market for guns similar to the black market for drugs.
  • Laws seeking to keep handguns out of the hands of criminals, juveniles, and mental defectives have failed to reduce crime because active criminals either have guns already or can steal them. Waiting periods and background checks temporarily stop some criminals and juveniles from getting guns, but many steal them or get them through the black market.
  • Magazine capacity laws have negligible effects on firing rate for a trained shooter. Licensing and waiting periods make firearms less affordable and available when people need them. Ammunition controls are counter productive as proficiency requires regular practice.
  • Most gun control at it’s best has measurable effect only on a case by case basis and at it’s worst disarms or weakens the capability of those who need to be armed most.
  • The problem here is these are “feel good” “do something” blanket control laws that are done more often in the name of reelection than actually trying to accomplish anything.
  • In point, they are famously championed by politicians that don’t even understand the basic function and terminology of the firearms the laws control.
  • Alot of the ‘gun problems’ have less to do with guns and more with economics, societal, and regional politics. However Gun Control is a much easier target than gangs, political corruption, and the difficult economics of urban cities.
  • According to me,taking guns away from criminals is the one promising approach. Making it illegal and more difficult for those who have proven themselves to be violent from owning firearms can prevent crimes. Yes they can still backdoor and black market guns, that’s just reality.
  • Due to time limit,remaining can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation

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