
In: Computer Science

We can implement a basic web search engine by building an inverted index (also known as...

We can implement a basic web search engine by building an inverted index (also known as an index) that maps each term (word) to the set of web pages in which it appears. A search query, which is a sequence of one or more keywords, can be answered by returning the web pages that contain all of the terms in a given query.

Implement a JAVA SearchEngine class that represents an inverted index.

1) SearchEngine()

Constructs an empty SearchEngine instance.

2) void index(String document)

Adds each term in the document to the inverted index. This method will be called for each web page that the client wants to add to the search engine.

3) Set<String> search(String query)

Returns the set of documents where each document contains all of the keywords in the given query ignoring any never-indexed keywords. If none of the keywords have been indexed or if the query is empty, then an empty set is returned.


Expert Solution


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class SearchEngine {
   // Map that maps each term (word) to the set of web pages in which it appears
   private Map<String, Set<String>> word_index;
   // constructor to create an empty SearchEngine instance.
   public SearchEngine()
       // create an empty HashMap
       word_index = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
   * helper method to remove all punctuation from the given word and convert
   * the word to lowercase, so that comparison can be done case-insensitively
   private String removePunctuation(String word)
       word = word.toLowerCase(); // convert word to lower case
       // loop over the word
       for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++)
           // word is not a letter, remove the punctuation from the word
           if(word.charAt(i) < 'a' || word.charAt(i) > 'z')
               word = word.substring(0, i) + word.substring(i+1);
       return word; // return modified word
   * method that adds each term in the document to the inverted index.
   * This method will be called for each web page that the client wants to add to the search engine.
   public void index(String document)
       // assuming words are separated by a space
       // get the array of strings from the document
       String[] words = document.split(" ");
       // loop over the array of string
       for(int i=0;i<words.length;i++)
           // remove punctuation from ith word
           String modWord = removePunctuation(words[i]);
           // if word is found in the index
               // get the set of documents from the index
               Set<String> docs = word_index.get(modWord);
               docs.add(document); // add this document to the set
               word_index.put(modWord, docs); // update the entry for modWord
           else // word is not found in the index
               // create a new set of String
               Set<String> docs = new HashSet<String>();
               docs.add(document); // add the document to the set
               word_index.put(modWord, docs); // insert word and the corresponding set to the index
   * method that returns the set of documents where each document contains all of the keywords
   * in the given query ignoring any never-indexed keywords.
   * If none of the keywords have been indexed or if the query is empty, then an empty set is returned.
   public Set<String> search(String query)
       // create the resultant set of string and set it to null
       Set<String> documents = null;
       // assuming term in query is separated by a space
       // get the array of strings from the input query
       String[] keywords = query.split(" ");
       // loop over the terms
       for(int i=0;i<keywords.length;i++)
           // get the word after removing punctuation and converting it to lowercase
           String word = removePunctuation(keywords[i]);
           // word is found in index
               // get the set of documents containing the word
               Set<String> docs = word_index.get(word);
               // documents is not initialized, set documents to docs
               if(documents == null)
                   documents = docs;
               else // documents is initialized, set documents to intersection of documents and docs
       // if documents was not initialized i.e either query was empty or no terms was found in search engine
       // set documents to empty hash set
       if(documents == null)
           documents = new HashSet<String>();
       return documents;

//end of


import java.util.Set;

public class SearchEngineTester {

   public static void main(String[] args)
       SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
       engine.index("Good Morning");
       engine.index("Good Afternoon");
       Set<String> documents ="morning day");
       documents ="good day");
       engine.index("every day");
       documents ="morning day");

//end of


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