
In: Computer Science

Given the directory /home/Kitty which contains the files timer.exe and bags.txt. Set the protection but such...

  1. Given the directory /home/Kitty which contains the files timer.exe and bags.txt. Set the protection but such that; Give the commands that would change the permissions. It will be a Linux system
    1. Only the owner Kitty can execute timer.exe.
    2. Kitty’s default group can write to the directory, but no one can delete or move any file except Kitty.


Expert Solution

a) Only the owner Kitty can execute timer.exe.

We will use the chmod command to give execution permission only to the owner of the file.


chmod u+x timer.exe

timex.exe after giving execution permission only to the owner or the user.

b) Kitty’s default group can write to the directory, but no one can delete or move any file except Kitty.

User is denoted by u

Others are denoted by o

Group is denoted by g

First we give the write permssion of th directory to the group using the command:

chmod g+w Kitty

Now the directory has write permsion to the group but we can see that most of them has almost all the permssion, so we need to remove some permissions now.

Removing read and execute permssion from group

Removing execute permission from others

Giving read permision to others.

No we can see that the directory Kitty has write permssion to the group but no one other than the Kitty or the owner can move or delete the file since we have removed those permission from the file for groups and others.

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