Identify two types of variables and four scales of measurement.
How they are related with each other? What is the difference
between variables and constants? Why do we need to study variables
instead of constants in statistics? (Business Statistics &
Application Course)
1. Define each of the levels of measurement in detail (what are
the characteristics of each) in order, giving an example for each.
Explain how your choice is an example of the scale level.
2. Why is the combination of the measures of central tendency
and measures of variation so informative about a data set. Explain
how they work together to provide a complete picture.
Define the two major types of corporate stock. Discuss
the characteristics of each of the two types. How does an
investor realise a return on a stock investment? (5
Tell how each of the following experimental errors will affect
your ex- perimental results (yield, purity, or both), and explain
why. (a) You failed to dry the product completely. (b) You used
enough water to recrystal- lize phenacetin, but your unknown was
acetanilide. (c) In Experiment 2, you didn’t extract all of the
aspirin from the dichloromethane solution. please answer
the following questions with good explantion and structure if there
are sturcutres.
Define and explain the role of each of the following terms. How
would each term impact you, as a leader, and your residents in an
assisted/independent living environment?
Older Americans Act
National Eldercare Locator Service
Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Medicaid HCBS waivers (Home and Community Based Services)
National Council on Aging
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Money Follows the Person
State Balancing Incentive Program
cant get any clearer than that.
Define and discuss what arrhythmias are and how can this impact
List types of hypertensive medications and describe what each
does. What are indications and contraindications for hypertension