In: Accounting
Search the internet to find Apple’s fiscal year 2018 annual financial statements. Suggested steps to follow when doing your internet search: Search for Apple Investor Relations, SEC Filings, Annual Filings, 10-K. Once you have arrived there, see the index to help to locate the financial statements. Watch the dates, that is important! For fiscal year end 9/29/2018 and 9/30/2017 answer the following questions.
Name of the financial statement you located the following information on. How many shares of common stock are authorized for fiscal year end 9/30/2017 and 9/29/2018?
How many shares of common stock are issued and outstanding for 9/29/2018?
How many shares of common stock are issued and outstanding for 9/30/2017?
If a financial statement reader wants to see the detail of change in number of shares of stock from the beginning of each year to the end of each fiscal year, which financial statement would he/she refer to?
why Apple’s fiscal year end does not always fall on the same day. Hint: to research this review Apple’s 10-K Part I, Item 1.
1. The Information of common stock authorized can be located under Consolidated Balance Sheets - Liabilities Side - Under Shareholder's Equity in Form 10-K at Page No. 40.
Number of common stock authorized for fiscal year end 9/30/2017 - 12,600,000
Number of common stock authorized for fiscal year end 9/29/2018 - 12,600,000
2. Common Share which are issued and outstanding.
The Information of issued and outstanding common stock can be located under Consolidated Balance Sheets - Liabilities Side - Under Shareholder's Equity in Form 10-K at Page No. 40.
Number of common stock authorized for fiscal year end 9/29/2018 - 4,754,986
Number of common stock issued and outstanding for fiscal year end 9/30/2017 - 5,126,201
3. The detail of change in number of shares of stock from beginning of each year to the end of each fiscal can be located under Consolidated Statement of Shareholder's Equity in Form 10-K at Page No. 41.
4. The Apple's fiscal year does not fall on the same day because the company's fiscal year is the 52 week or 53 week period that ends on the last Saturday of September as per report 10K - Part I - Item - 1