
In: Computer Science

IT workers have many different relationships, including those with employers, clients, suppliers, other professionals, IT users,...

IT workers have many different relationships, including those with employers, clients, suppliers, other professionals, IT users, and the society at large, and that in each relationship, an ethical IT worker acts honestly and appropriately. IT workers must set an example and enforce policies regarding the ethical use of IT. IT workers are in a unique position because they have the skills and knowledge to abuse systems and data or to allow others to do so. Discuss an ethical issue IT organizations face today. Have you been personally affected by an IT ethical issue? Provide examples.


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Ethical issues within IT organization

Health and safety

                Balancing the health and safety interests of the employees with the expense control because, the employee’s works with the equipment’s which are dangerous or they might be engaged materially at work in demand, who works at manufacturing plants and other workplaces should have strong standards in safety and also have priority in eradicating accidents. The employee’s had risk even in the standard workplaces in posing health who works by stand all day or by sitting continuously. Inappropriately, convinced organizations elect to cut corners under the control of safety, equipment and training for the money of saving. If any major accidents occurred, it might be an unethical and damaged potentially in the long run.


                In the early 21st century, the advancements of technology and the growth of internet had produced the problem for the companies. While maintaining the standards, the purposes of the legitimate businesses is to use the technology inside the company so they are in need to balance the privacy and the workers at freedom. Definite companies monitor online and email communication from all the employee’s computers and work accounts for the purpose of maintaining privacy and self-sufficiency among the employees.


                The business which are protruding and disgraces in accounting made it to be authoritative that they work with the openness and transparency. For the corporations which are public, it includes honest, accurate, and reporting completely on instructed reports in financial accounting. For the businesses which are in large and small scale they include, messages in communicating, marketing which does not leads to the misinterpretation and representing clearly about the intentions of the company and their messages.

Fair working conditions

                The fair working conditions should be provided for the employee’s as per the business environment. The labour cost and the utilization of resources are much in expensive for taking the responsibilities of the treatments of the employee’s. The elements of a fair workplace are fair pay and their benefits for work. There should be the establishment of non-discriminatory environment at work.

Examples of business ethical issues


                The presence of the new female employee’s disturbances because of not conducted sensitivity training. Inappropriate remarks have been made the male employees to the new workers. The complains has been taken from her and sanctioning as response for the conduct and taking decision about moving her to different position where less attention is to be drawn. Treating the female employee’s differently and in response to a nuisance complaint are considered to be the discriminatory and unethical conduct.

Side deals

                Making the contracts more effectively as per the details from the higher officials. Sometimes it might leads to the breach of both the contractual and ethical duties by the employees.

Gross negligence

                One of the duties of the board member is to exercise the care utmost in respecting business decisions which results in affecting the corporation and their shareholders. Failing in investigating a matter properly can be viewed as the support of the breach of ethical and legal duty of care as gross negligence.

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