
In: Accounting

These are a list of the transactions I have from playing Monopoly. I need to create...

These are a list of the transactions I have from playing Monopoly. I need to create a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow.

STOCK- Issued $1500 common stock

LAND/STOCK- $600 issued for purchase of Land

1 RENT REVENUE- $16.00 From New York Ave

2 CONSULTING REV(ACCTS REC.) - Collected $200 for passing Go

3 LAND - Purchase Kentucky Ave $220.00

4 RENT EXPENSE - $200.00 for landing on Railroad

5 CONSULTING REV(ACCTS REC.) - Collected $200 for passing Go

6 DIVIDENDS - Paid $200 to bank for landing on Income Tax

7 RENT REVENUE - $2.00 from Mediterranean Ave.

8 UTILITIES - Purchase Electric Company $150.00

9 INVESTMENT INCOME - Earned $20.00 from Electric Company

10 RENT EXPENSE - $26.00 for landing on Pacific Ave.

11 RENT REVENUE - $16.00 from New York Ave.

12 DIVIDENDS - Paid $75.00 for Luxury Tax

13 CONSULTING REVENUE - $200.00 For Passing Go

14 LAND - Purchased Oriental Ave. for $100.00

15 RENT REVENUE - Movie Company to use property as set, collected $200.00

16 LAND - Purchased Atlantic Ave. for $200.00

17 LAND - Purchased Indiana Ave. for $200.00

18 BUILDINGS - Purchased a house for Kentucky Ave. For $150.00 19 DIVIDENDS - Paid $75.00 for Luxury Tax

20 CONSULTING REVENUE - $200.00 For Passing Go

21 TRAVEL EXPENSE - Paid $100 for landing on Pacific Railroad

22 RENT REVENUE - $40 from Illinois Ave.

23 BUILDINGS - Purchased a house for Indiana Ave. For $150.00

24 RENT EXPENSE - Paid $12.00 from landing on Virginia Ave.

25 RENT EXPENSE - Paid $14.00 for landing on St. James Place

26 RENT REVENUE - Earned $10 from States Ave.

27 RENT EXPENSE - Paid $56.00 for landing on Pennsylvania Ave.

28 RENT REVENUE - Earned $90 from Kentucky Ave.

29 CONSULTING REVENUE - $200.00 For Passing Go

30 TRAVEL EXPENSE - Paid $100 for landing on Pacific Railroad

31 RENT REVENUE - Earned $90.00 from Indiana Ave.

32 RENT EXPENSE - Paid $56.00 for landing on Pennsylvania Ave.

33 DIVIDENDS - Paid $75.00 for Luxury Tax

34 FINE EXP - Paid $50.00 Fee to get out of Jail


Expert Solution

Income Statement
Particulars $ $
Rent Revenue 464 =16+2+16+200+40+10+90+90
Consulting Revenue 1000 =200+200+200+200+200
Investment Income 20
Total Revenue 1484
Rent Expense 364 =200+26+12+14+56+56
Dividends 425 =200+75+75+75
Travel Expense 200 =100+100
Fine Expense 50
Total Expenses 1039
Net Income 445
Balance Sheet
Assets $ $
Non-Current Assets:
Land 720 =220+100+200+200
Building 300 =150+150
Investment in Electric Company 150 1170
Current Assets:
Cash 1375 1375 =1500+600+16+200-220-200+200-200+2-150+20-26+16-75+200-100+200-200-200-150-75+200-100+40-150-12-14+10-56+90+200-100+90-56-75-50
Total Assets 2545
Equity & Liabilities $ $
Common Stock 2100 =1500+600
Retained Earnings 445 2545
Total Equity 2545
Current Liabilities: 0
Total Equity & Liabilities 2545
Cash Flow
Cashflow from Operating Activities: $ $
Net Income 445
-Investment Income -20 425
Cashflow from Investing Activities: $ $
Purchase of Land -720
Purchase of Building -300
Investment in Electric Company -150
Investment Income 20 -1150
Cashflow from Financing Activities: $ $
Issue of Common Stock 2100 2100
Net Cashflow 1375
+Opening Cash Balance 0
Closing Cash Balance 1375

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