
In: Operations Management

Make up an Integrated Project Schedule for a car. (preferably electric car)

Make up an Integrated Project Schedule for a car. (preferably electric car)


Expert Solution


India is placed among top 10 automotive markets in th world. Due to the rising consumption the oil and petrol resources are slowly and gradually decreasing thus resulting in higher prices of the fuels and also focusing our attention to the atlernative option that are efficient to use without charging much so the shift of focus is towards the electric cars which need charging in order to run.

Thus the following component must be included in the integrated project schedule of a car-

a) Planning of project schedule- Under this we need to define the policies procedure and required documentation regarding the project schedule of an electric car all these will help in managing the project schedule effectively and efficiently it further includes the following.

  • Contingencies need to be calculated no matter how ever big they are.
  • checking over the availability of the resources.
  • the project schedule need to be approved and distribued among the concerned individuals.

b) Defining activities - It refers to identifying and specifying the activities that are required to be performed in order to carry out the project. The main advantage of this step is to breakdown the activities that provides a basis for estimating, scheduling, monitoring executing etc

It must includes the following-

  • The task need to be broken down in order to know the reliable estimates.
  • Each deliverable must have clearly defined its task in place, in order to produce it.
  • The task should be assigned to a single responsible person in order to avoid confusion.
  • the pre defined cost account if any need to be used.

c) Sequencing activities - After the task has been broken down then the relationship between them need to be determined It doesnot always happen that the completion of one task will result in the start of another task only after its copletion.

It includes four types of dependencies-

  • Finish to start- under which another task cannot be started until the completion of the first one.
  • Finish to finish- under this relationship the second task cannot be finish until the completion of first task.
  • Start to start- Here the second task cannot be started until the first task starts.
  • Start to finish- Here under this task second cannot be finish until the first task starts.

d) Estimate the activity resouces- In this we need to make an estimate of the required activity resouces which mostly includes, human resources i.e labour and other staff,tools equipment and machinery,facilities, fixed cost etc and the characteristics of the resources required for the completion of the activity which provide with more accurate cost and duration estimates.

It includes-

  • Analogous estimating- under this the actual data is compared with the previous similar or related data.
  • Parametric estimating - under this the project is break down into units that are well known an understand unit rates.
  • When you have no real data to go from the highest possible to the lowest possible estimates.

e)Estimate activity duration - It refers to the tie involved in carrying out each activity involved in the process thus helps in estimating the total duration of the whole project the main advantage of this step is to measure the duration of each single activity involved in the process.

f) Develop Schedule- Under this step the most effective schedule is developed for the project in which the official start and end date is estimated for each defined task. Issues that arises within those task are dealth on the priority basis

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