In: Computer Science
Based on the following situation, draw a complete Entity Relationship Diagram using theCrow’s Foot notation which includes:
All entities and attributes
Connectivity and relationship participation (4.5 Marks)
Primary and foreign keys (3.5 Marks)
A lecturer in a university can manage multiple projects. But, it is not compulsory for a lecturer to manage a project. Each project is managed by only one lecturer. Lecturer will have a staff number, a name, a rank, and a research specialty. Projects have a project number, a project name, a starting date, an ending date, and a budget.
Each project is worked on by one or more lecturers. Lecturer can work on multiple projects. Some lecturers may not be assigned to work on any project since they are requiring to do administrative works. The assign date and duration of the working project are stored as well.
Each project is worked on by one or more research assistants. The research assistants have a student number, a name, and a degree program. When research assistants work on a project, a lecturer must supervise their work on the project. Research assistants can work on multiple projects, in which case they will have a different supervisor for each one. Details of working project handled by research assistant are stored such as assign date and assign working hours for each project.
Lecturers and research assistants are attach to faculty. Faculties have a faculty number and a faculty name. Each lecturer is assign to one faculty but one faculty can consist of many lecturers. Research assistants have one faculty in which they are working on their degree.
ER diagram or Entity Relationship Diagram is a diagrammatical representation of how entities i.e. real world objects relate to each other in a system. There are relationships between entities which is of three types:
1. One-to-One
2. One-to-Many
3. Many-to-Many
Each entity has attributes attached to it.
Below is the image of ER diagram asked in the question.